Human Assessment Technology for Creating Perfect Relationships in Business, Home & Life.
Monday, April 28, 2008
THE ANSWER by Zannah Hackett
THE ANSWER permits one to recognize solutions and develop strategies that are designed to enhance their unique physical presentation, performance and maintain the integrity of who they are. Showing up authentically requires intelligence and unfortunately our ability to access intelligence got lost in translation over hundreds of thousands of years. In fact, "We still are striving to recognize ourselves in our own individual states of authenticity, knowing deep down inside that there is a reason why we show up the way we do in this life. Yet, we still refuse to take the time to discover WHAT we are but rather prefer to subscribe to who we are.We are a species that can easily differentiate between a cactus and a willow but cannot see itself. We recognize that a cheetah runs faster than a cow but often judge man as inferior if he naturally moves a bit slower than another.This lack of sight is largely due to the noise of our lifetime and it likely all began when man uttered his first word."*
The wonderful results of enlisting a tool that affords one the ability to see the nature of another without uttering a word dramatically improves the decision making process. If you know you are looking at a cactus you are not going to recommend planting him in the snow. All too often we place recommendations and advise based on what works for ourselves. We are all very unique and cannot be homogenized. This lifetime prides itself in dumbing us down so that we can begin to understand ourselves. I am not so sure this is the right approach. However, I am sure that if everyone had THE ANSWER, there would be complete acceptance based on the OBVIOUS rather than opinion or subjective reasoning.
THE ANSWER is an overview of an in depth understanding referred to as the Knowledge of Y.O.U.. This body of information is grounded in science, founded in nature and serves as the impetus for the latest advanced human assessment technology today "THE ULTIMATE LIFE TOOL". Not unlike Ken Wilber's scientific reasoning with regards to the 3 different aspects of science and its need to meet up with an injunction in order to manifest in the third dimension, THE ANSWER reveals in a practical sense how humans are influenced physically by this process as well as the laws that serve as the source code in supporting the integrity of one's natural or not so natural presentation.If you are life coach, a relationship expert, healthcare professional, educator or HR executive, you can benefit a great deal from this tool.
To request THE ANSWER cd or learn more about YCG's services, seminars and highly skilled certified practitioners, simply contact YCG,LLC at 760.230.8016.
* Excerpt from the book, THE ANSWER, available soon.
Zannah Hackett
Author, preceptor, relationship technologist
Friday, April 11, 2008

I can't believe how many people detest waiting in line and how their behavior begins to slime everyone within their personal field. I often wonder if we were to consider waiting in line a chance versus a challenge, if clarity and viral protection would prevail. Perhaps we could even walk away clearer and healthier from having had the chance to stand in line or wait on the phone by changing our attitude towards it. Imagine if we saw standing in line as a form of toxic release?
The truth is, it all comes down to choice and perception. We can choose to embrace each moment by maximizing the opportunity to stop the clock and catch up on our thoughts for the day or agonize over the fact that everyone and everything is not jumping to fast enough for our liking. Americans are just simply spoiled. We whine about waiting in line at Starbucks while children in Africa wait in greater lines for a thimble full of rice with a smile and excitement on their face.
Next time you have to wait in line... enjoy the wait. Once you master waiting, every time you must wait, you will find you have more patience with everyone and everything in your life. It's a form of training. Your family, friends, employees and employers will begin to notice the kindness and clarity you have to offer their life. When that begins to happen, self-mastery is in the works and all from simply learning to love the wait.
Take a chance... spend your time wisely.
For more information regarding LIFE MANAGEMENT visit
Make an appointment with a practitioner today!
Zannah Hackett
The Knowledge of Y.O.U. , your own understanding
Tuesday, April 8, 2008

“We can leave it all behind, and sail to Lahaina, just like the missionaries did, so many years ago. They even brought a neon sign that says, ‘Jesus is Coming’, brought the white man’s burden down, brought the white man’s reign. We’ll provide the grand design of what is yours and what is mine. There is no more new frontier, we have got to make it here, to satisfy our endless needs, and justify our bloody deeds, in the name of destiny and in the name of God. And you can see them there, on Sunday morning, stand up and sing about, what it’s like up there. They call it paradise, I don’t know why, call some place paradise, kiss it goodbye.”
That neon sign is still on top of a church in Lahaina. We need to be very careful what true beauty and spirit we destroy with our own insatiable desire to conquer and instill our own agenda.
Hal Taylor
is VP of Intl. Business and Live Events as well as certified YCG Practitioner and Life Coach. He currently has helped to deliver The Desktop Life Coach, an online journal for assisting coaches and their clients in accomplishing goals and rising to their full potential.