
Monday, January 26, 2009

Bending Time

I've always been an over achiever, and now is this day and age of "do this, go there, meet them, create that, and make this" it is become even more important for us "mere mortals" to channel our God given energies to Bend Time.

Wentzle Ruml is a good friend from my Professional Skateboarding days was visiting this weekend while we attended the ASR tradeshow in San Diego. During the course of his stay, he got a peek at my current lifestyle of how I balance my busy life focusing on Health; (Surfing, Skateboarding, Working out), Wealth; (Relationship Coaching, Being CEO of Y.O.U. Consulting Group, and of Course, my David Hackett Design business) Love; having and enjoying special, fun and intimate time with my wife, Dr. Zannah Hackett, Founder and Leading Authority on The Knowledge of Y.O.U. and The Ultimate Life Tool) and finally "Perfect Self Expression" - some call that your "Hobby"

I have many hobbies including Collecting surfboards, skateboards, guitars, Metaphysical Books, and more but I think the thing I do most in my spare time is collect, build, and play (or try and play) Guitar!

I started playing Guitar about two years ago at the age of 46 after watching my good friend Joe Wood tear into some Smoking Blues at a little club in Carlsbad. Everyone told me I was too old and too late to start- So I let them know that all things are possible- IF YOU BELIEVE!

In addition to playing and practicing for at least one hour everyday- I'm building three guitars- Two Telecasters; one new style, and one reproduction of an "aged" guitar from the 60's. The other Guitar is of my own design and looks like a Gibson ES175 in shape- but a little bit larger and I made it from a solid piece of Alder wood as a solid body electric!

When I brought Wentzle into my shop and showed him the guitars I was building he said "Dude, how do you do find time to do all this stuff?" My answer was simple; BALANCE. In the course of each day I devote time to the main areas of my Life- Heath, Wealth, Love and Perfect Self Expression! - The trick is to KEEP MOVING! and not spend too much time on any one of these areas, but just enough to keep moving forward and the next thing you too will be BENDING TIME! 

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