How physical law, specifically the law of gravity, shows up in each one of us is revealed in our physicality. This is an important factor to consider when understanding what to expect from yourself, as well as another, in terms of potential. What if you took a bowling ball and a feather and dropped them both at the same time from a ten-story building? We obviously can deduce that the bowling ball will fall to the ground first. But consider the feather, it may take a very long time to reach the ground, and depending upon the breeze, may never reach it. Like the bowing ball, some people are physically more grounded. They naturally show up with more mass, and it is imperative that they honor this trait. Others may appear “light as a feather”; they are physically lighter and have a fragility about them that needs to be recognized and honored as well. Still others lie somewhere in between. This is the law of gravity revealing itself in human beings, and understanding this law helps us to see why it is that people need to be doing certain things from a gravitational perspective.
Human Assessment Technology for Creating Perfect Relationships in Business, Home & Life.
Monday, May 17, 2010
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Book Excerpt 5 from Y.O.U. and The Ultimate Life Tool® by Dr. Zannah Hackett
The Ultimate Life Tool® technology draws from a body of knowledge called the The Knowledge of Y.O.U. or Your Own Understanding. This knowledge addresses what lies in the obvious as it relates to each one of us and our physicality. It shows us why we do the things that we do and how each one of us is wired slightly differently when it comes to reasoning. It shows us how we spend our time and energy and where we should spend it based on our style and level of refinement. It also shows us the importance of responding to magnetic influences in our lives. Understanding myself through The Ultimate Life Tool® technology allowed me to take the veil away and see myself for the first time for the unique individual I am…and it allowed me to honor myself in every way.
-Lisa Nelson, Vice President of Program Development and YCG Master Practitioner and Trainer
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Book Excerpt 4 from Y.O.U. and The Ultimate Life Tool® by Dr. Zannah Hackett
The way in which we open up and see how a person connects with others is vital in education, sales, and in any situation where immediate communication is desired. One of the wonders of nature is knowing that even your energy field gives off physical clues such as softness of skin, muscle definition, movement and stillness as a means of making our physical existence better understood and available to the naked eye. Being unique means that we connect with our world differently than perhaps our loved ones.
Many people do not retain information because they are not fully integrating the information, Because each human is configured slightly differently from another, knowing the order of how you or others connect can expedite communication.
Order your copy of Y.O.U and The Ultimate Life Tool® today!
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Book Excerpt 3 from Y.O.U. and The Ultimate Life Tool® by Dr. Zannah Hackett

With the knowledge of Y.O.U®, your life’s journey will be guided naturally, relieving you of spending unnecessary energy trying to force your way through life. This results in your offering this life the very gift of you by simply understanding yourself. You are the lesson. Get you and you get it all. You will not have to give anything up, as those aspects that are fixed in us, “our essence,” remain in check. Our essence is where our religious beliefs, the records of where we are born and raised, and who our parents are, all live.
Order the book now!
Book Excerpt 2 from Y.O.U. and The Ultimate Life Tool® by Dr. Zannah Hackett
The Knowledge of Y.O.U. demonstrates how science and physical law support our performance and our behavior in tandem with the natural mathematics of man or quantum physics. The knowledge originates from a time when humans had only to rely on themselves and the relationships inside and outside of themselves. The primordial insight provides answers to the questions we ask ourselves today-the very same questions posed by primitive man: How do I assess my needs for survival? How do I protect myself? How do I communicate effectively with everyone in my life? The answer to all of these questions is, “I manage to survive by gaining an understanding of what and who I am, and this lies in the obvious.” The “obvious” is something that has been lost over hundreds of thousands of years. Primitive man was very proficient at enlisting the laws of nature, so much so that it afforded him the ability to survive for millions of years! Today, man often walks outside the laws of nature; never realizing how easy life could be if only he could see.
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