Learning how to see each other will ultimately allow individuals to eliminate misconceptions they may have about themselves and misconceptions they may have about others, so that they can literally approach each relationship in every area of life with understanding, non-judgment, and complete acceptance. That’s a pretty powerful statement, isn’t it? What the Knowledge of Y.O.U® and The Ultimate Life Tool® technology reveals to us is the perfection of our individual unique design. Obviously, each one of us is uniquely different. Much like the many different cars in a parking lot, we each have a unique physical appearance, special capabilities, and our own way of experiencing life. Each one of us is perfectly designed, yet for many people, this perfection has become distorted. Many people travel through life, operating from a mode of which others believe is best for them or from a place where others feel that they should be spending their time and energy, rather than from a place that naturally suits them as the one-of-a-kind individuals that they are.