
Friday, November 11, 2011

Book Excerpt 1 from Y.O.U. and The Ultimate Life Tool®: By Dr. Zannah Hackett

Learning how to see each other will ultimately allow individuals to eliminate misconceptions they may have about themselves and misconceptions they may have about others, so that they can literally approach each relationship in every area of life with understanding, non-judgment, and complete acceptance. That’s a pretty powerful statement, isn’t it? What the Knowledge of Y.O.U®  and The Ultimate Life Tool® technology reveals to us is the perfection of our individual unique design. Obviously, each one of us is uniquely different. Much like the many different cars in a parking lot, we each have a unique physical appearance, special capabilities, and our own way of experiencing life. Each one of us is perfectly designed, yet for many people, this perfection has become distorted. Many people travel through life, operating from a mode of which others believe is best for them or from a place where others feel that they should be spending their time and energy, rather than from a place that naturally suits them as the one-of-a-kind individuals that they are.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Perfect by Design

Have you ever felt that there were times when you felt so out of sorts being in your body? That no one understands you? If they only lived in my body, then they would know how I really feel.

About 4 years ago I came across a body of knowledge that changed my life forever. It is called “The Knowledge of Y.O.U.”(your own understanding). You take a test and from that test, you get an owner’s manual as to how you operate. From this assessment, one can see if their car is purring or running rough due to “life”. Not only that- you get to see that you are “perfect by design”. We are all unique in our own way and this knowledge teaches and shows you how to use your gifts as well as when you are feeling out of sorts how to bring yourself back to your most perfect authentic self.

There may be things that you want to change, but what if you could embrace all parts of you knowing that you are unique and perfect in every part of your being, it can give you a sense of freedom like you have never experienced.

Take the test today!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Before you say "I Do"

WOW – CONGRATULATIONS! This is one of the most exciting times in life! You have finally committed to spending the rest of your life with your special partner. Doesn’t it feel great to have someone love, admire and trust you so much that they want to spend every day with you? Actually, there is no better feeling in the world, than the true feeling of being loved by the person you love most in this world. This is an amazing time.
But, with the passion and excitement in the beginning, “love can be blind”. You need to realize some critical characteristics and expectations about your future life partner. Some of these expectations are generational while others are learned. Totally committing yourself and your life to someone else requires you to do your homework and really learn about your future partner. You need to know some important features and expectations about this future spouse and really understand who they will be, even after the “Honeymoon Phase”.
Following are a few very important questions that you should talk about and understand before you say ‘I DO’. At the end we will give you information about an incredible human assessment instrument, called ‘The Ultimate Life Tool’, which will give you some amazing, objective, scientific information about your future partner. This tool will allow you to better understand the innate abilities, motivations, preferences, ways to relate and communicate, levels of activity, energy and clarity. The better you know your partner the better the chances for a successful and fulfilling marriage.
Following are a few of the important topics and expectations to understand before you say “I DO”:
Financial Expectations – Who will be working? Current financial obligations?
Savings strategy? Retirement?
Children - How many? Private or public schools? Spirituality?
Spirituality expectations?
Where you expect to be in 5, 10, and 20 years?
Critical information for you to understand - Previous marriages? Current children? STD’s and other vital health information?
Expectations about holidays and family involvement?
Everything that is critically important to you!!
As important, wouldn’t you love to know more about the exciting natural abilities and motivations of your future partner? Go to The Ultimate Life Tool and take the test. Congratulations again and remember the best marriages are not an accident!


Karen Scanlon
YCG Certified Specialist

Monday, August 23, 2010

Do you know what you are?

All too often we rely on subjective reasoning, what lies in a person's essence, or that which is written on their resume to reveal the true nature of an individual.  Unfortunately that which is NATURAL is only made evident through physical law and how well a person understands its visible appearance. The lack of being able to identify these laws on site and the tendency to settle for who we are as defined by our personal history and lineage, is the primary cause for failure in all aspects of life.

We are as diverse from one another as a cactus is to a willow or a great dane is to a cocker spaniel.  It really doesn't matter who you are or who your parents were when it comes to rising to your full potential.  What matters is WHAT YOU ARE! Once one knows what they are they then can begin to make proper choices for their life.  Their choices will be based on their unique understanding of self as it relates to those laws that are responsible for their physicality and behavior.

To date, there are more than 3000 psychometric tools commonly used by society to enhance corporate performance, resolve family conflict and identify career paths. All of these will serve man much better if the provider knows what they are looking at. Today, YCG, LLC offers advanced human assessment technology referred to as The Ultimate Life Tool to define the true nature of a person's physical reality.

YCG looks at relationship professionals as mind, body and spirit mechanics.  Each professional carries with them a tool kit filled with instruments like DISC, NLP, Jungian Theory, Myers Briggs, etc.  These tools work only if you know WHAT you are working on.  Much like taking your BMW to an auto mechanic that unknowingly uses Ford auto parts to try and fix what appears to be not working, professionals can run the risk of doing some damage rather than offering solutions. The success rate is largely determined by the KIND of vehicles they are working on and understanding how their tools interface with what the person is rather than who they are, where they were educated and what happened to them prior to their arrival.

The Ultimate Life tool is a full diagnostic, measuring one's energy pool, what motivates them, their electromagnetic potential, their levels of tolerance and so much more.  The HR professional, Life Coach, and Educator that uses this technology as their first method of creating an action plan, brings a cutting edge service to their client that measures above all others on the market today.

To learn more about Y.O.U. TECHNOLOGY and certification programs, contact YCG,LLC 760.230.8016. BOOK AVAILABLE!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Education and Y.O.U.

The YOU Consulting Group (YCG), home of The Ultimate Life Tool, recently launched its in-service curriculum for education. The Ultimate Life Tool is one of the newest advanced human assessment instruments available today. In brief, the methodology behind the technology is based on The Knowledge of Y.O. U., which is an acronym for your own understanding. This insight is older than the language of man, grounded in science and founded in nature. Unlike the current staples available in the psychometric industry, psychotherapists, educators, life coaches and human resource professionals are finding this cutting edge instrument to be a full diagnostic, offering an objective comprehensive approach that is quick, easy and accurate. Last month, The Children’s School, a prestigious forward thinking award winning elementary school in La Jolla, California, scheduled an in-service program with YCG. The full day experience was filled with new objective ways to SEE the true nature of one’s behavior and how it influences others. In addition to revealing the dynamics of the self as it relates to physical law, many discoveries were made in how to SEE the authenticity of a child and the manner in which he or she learns. The participants became familiar with the importance of being able to differentiate between natural and learned behavior as it applied specifically to themselves, their peers and the children they teach.

Aside from the role that audio, visual and tactile play in creating lesson plans, the knowledge revealed that human beings are far more complex when it comes to how they learn and relate to their environment. Furthermore it demonstrated how each human being on the planet, at any age, is as unique as their thumbprint and how prescribing homogenized programs could exclude a vast majority of children in the classroom. Conversely, lesson plans are at the effect of the planner and are often created in a manner that makes sense to the person behind the pen. Teachers and administrative staff participating came to understand the struggles that some children were having based on the nature of how they learn and how they may or may not be challenged by the natural dynamics of the lesson being taught. Each child naturally absorbs information differently. When we are asked to learn something that is in conflict with our nature, it fatigues or frustrates us. This is often expressed as unacceptable behavior when in fact, it is merely a cry for a more user friendly alternative.

Initially, The Children School’s objective was to use the Ultimate Life Tool technology and information to develop team building strategies and create a healthy dialogue among faculty members. The YCG staff facilitating the program included myself, Zannah Hackett, Founder and leading authority in the Knowledge of Y.O.U. and the Ultimate Life Tool, Lisa Nelson, VP of YCG Program Development, Educator and Level IV Certified YOU practitioner and Niloo Tavangar-Sadr, VP of YCG Educational Development, an RCB certified educator and Level III Certified YCG Practitioner. Each highly skilled representative provided one on one and team assessments as well as follow-up with administration. The Head of the School, Molly Huffman, and Assistant Head, Julie Lee, wanted to be able to better understand the true nature of their faculty, in hopes to discover more efficient ways of supporting each teacher as they strive to be a positive influence on this lifetime’s most precious resource and tomorrow’s hope for mankind, our children.

Every YCG seminar provided is tailored to the environment and the objectives of the administrative staff requesting services. In this case, approximately forty staff members took the online survey and discovered their “God Given” or natural traits, what motivates them, the role that their level of refinement played in getting along with others, their magnetic potential and just how much energy they had to bring to the table today. Knowing these subtle natural truths about oneself, allows one to breathe easier, make better choices and more fully accept others. All too often we place expectations or recommend what works for us upon another. When in fact, each of us is uniquely different from one another. Let’s use the analogy of trees to describe differences. When we look at a cactus we know not to plant it the snow and when we look at a pine tree we know not to plant it in the desert. Yet, when we look at a human being we know little about their authentic nature and what it is going to take to help them fully thrive successfully. Instead, we recommend what worked for us or the majority of our friends, colleagues, students and clients. We should be able to see the true nature of our fellow man by looking at them. During primitive times man did not require words. He knew. And, he has forgotten what he knew. Our lifetime has produced so many distractions that we can’t even hear ourselves think. Being able to SEE again is what Ultimate Life Tool is all about. How can we teach, nurture, heal and advise if we don’t know what we are looking at? The term “what” goes beyond nationality, gender, and age. Instead it looks at us as living things operating as vehicles for our spirit. It identifies WHAT kind of vehicle you are and leaves you with an operating manual. It is objective. It can identify how natural law shows up in you or another person. Imagine if every teacher or parent received an operating manual for their students and children and for themselves? This knowledge provides the guidance. It reveals the natural mathematics of man and delves deep into the role that intuition, interfacing with each unique individual’s design, plays and how we are at the effect of the toxicity of this lifetime. The many layers of this understanding are all briefly addressed in the seminars so that those participating can come to realize the importance of OBJECTIVELY understanding what lies in the obvious. Each participant leaves with a better understanding of Y.O.U. (your own understanding).


Author's Bio
Zannah Hackett Ph.D., Founder of YCG, LLC and innovator of THE ULTIMATE LIFE TOOL online technology and methodology, an advanced human assessment instrument for creating perfect relationships in business, education, home and life.