Human Assessment Technology for Creating Perfect Relationships in Business, Home & Life.
Thursday, November 6, 2008
The YOU Consulting Group (YCG), home of The Ultimate Life Tool, recently launched its in-service curriculum for education. The Ultimate Life Tool is one of the newest advanced human assessment instruments available today. In brief, the methodology behind the technology is based on The Knowledge of Y.O. U., which is an acronym for your own understanding. This insight is older than the language of man, grounded in science and founded in nature. Unlike the current staples available in the psychometric industry, psychotherapists, educators, life coaches and human resource professionals are finding this cutting edge instrument to be a full diagnostic, offering an objective comprehensive approach that is quick, easy and accurate. Last month, The Children’s School, a prestigious forward thinking award winning elementary school in La Jolla, California, scheduled an in-service program with YCG. The full day experience was filled with new objective ways to SEE the true nature of one’s behavior and how it influences others. In addition to revealing the dynamics of the self as it relates to physical law, many discoveries were made in how to SEE the authenticity of a child and the manner in which he or she learns. The participants became familiar with the importance of being able to differentiate between natural and learned behavior as it applied specifically to themselves, their peers and the children they teach.
Aside from the role that audio, visual and tactile play in creating lesson plans, the knowledge revealed that human beings are far more complex when it comes to how they learn and relate to their environment. Furthermore it demonstrated how each human being on the planet, at any age, is as unique as their thumbprint and how prescribing homogenized programs could exclude a vast majority of children in the classroom. Conversely, lesson plans are at the effect of the planner and are often created in a manner that makes sense to the person behind the pen. Teachers and administrative staff participating came to understand the struggles that some children were having based on the nature of how they learn and how they may or may not be challenged by the natural dynamics of the lesson being taught. Each child naturally absorbs information differently. When we are asked to learn something that is in conflict with our nature, it fatigues or frustrates us. This is often expressed as unacceptable behavior when in fact, it is merely a cry for a more user friendly alternative.
Initially, The Children School’s objective was to use the Ultimate Life Tool technology and information to develop team building strategies and create a healthy dialogue among faculty members. The YCG staff facilitating the program included myself, Zannah Hackett, Founder and leading authority in the Knowledge of Y.O.U. and the Ultimate Life Tool, Lisa Nelson, VP of YCG Program Development, Educator and Level IV Certified YOU practitioner and Niloo Tavangar-Sadr, VP of YCG Educational Development, an RCB certified educator and Level III Certified YCG Practitioner. Each highly skilled representative provided one on one and team assessments as well as follow-up with administration. The Head of the School, Molly Huffman, and Assistant Head, Julie Lee, wanted to be able to better understand the true nature of their faculty, in hopes to discover more efficient ways of supporting each teacher as they strive to be a positive influence on this lifetime’s most precious resource and tomorrow’s hope for mankind, our children.
Every YCG seminar provided is tailored to the environment and the objectives of the administrative staff requesting services. In this case, approximately forty staff members took the online survey and discovered their “God Given” or natural traits, what motivates them, the role that their level of refinement played in getting along with others, their magnetic potential and just how much energy they had to bring to the table today. Knowing these subtle natural truths about oneself, allows one to breathe easier, make better choices and more fully accept others. All too often we place expectations or recommend what works for us upon another. When in fact, each of us is uniquely different from one another. Let’s use the analogy of trees to describe differences. When we look at a cactus we know not to plant it the snow and when we look at a pine tree we know not to plant it in the desert. Yet, when we look at a human being we know little about their authentic nature and what it is going to take to help them fully thrive successfully. Instead, we recommend what worked for us or the majority of our friends, colleagues, students and clients. We should be able to see the true nature of our fellow man by looking at them. During primitive times man did not require words. He knew. And, he has forgotten what he knew. Our lifetime has produced so many distractions that we can’t even hear ourselves think. Being able to SEE again is what the Ultimate Life Tool is all about. How can we teach, nurture, heal and advise if we don’t know what we are looking at? The term “what” goes beyond nationality, gender, and age. Instead it looks at us as living things operating as vehicles for our spirit. It identifies WHAT kind of vehicle you are and leaves you with an operating manual. It is objective. It can identify how natural law shows up in you or another person. Imagine if every teacher or parent received an operating manual for their students and children and for themselves? This knowledge provides the guidance. It reveals the natural mathematics of man and delves deep into the role that intuition, interfacing with each unique individual’s design, plays and how we are at the effect of the toxicity of this lifetime. The many layers of this understanding are all briefly addressed in the seminars so that those participating can come to realize the importance of OBJECTIVELY understanding what lies in the obvious. Each participant leaves with a better understanding of Y.O.U. (your own understanding).
YCG welcomes opportunities to meet with educators that value creating healthy relationships in all aspects of life. To schedule an in-service for your faculty or administrative staff please contact YCG at 760.230.8016 or dial toll free 1.877.543.9753.
Accredited by the California State Board of Behavioral Sciences. CE units are available to eligible participants for course completion.
Friday, May 16, 2008
Mainstream Propheteering ... Prophets seeking Profits
With so many wealth and business gurus out there, how's a person to know what is real and what is not? Today's knowledge campaign trail is filled with new renditions of very old songs but are all worthy of an attentive ear? The problem presents itself in deciding which wannabe prophet we want to follow. True, all of us have a gift or message that needs to be shared but there is a certain level of integrity that must prevail in earning the respect of an audience. And unfortunately our standards for "FOLLOWSHIP" have become somewhat turned inside out.
In fact, it's almost fashionable to be inappropriately popular. This brings to mind the MAFIA. Growing up in the seventies, gurus were plenty and the MAFIA was still quietly regarded as the GOOD BAD GUY. Meaning, it's okay to kill, mame and pass judgment as long as you make some philanthropic demonstration to balance the scales. Today the MAFIA is not what it used to be (the popular clique on the block) but there are other similar social scams out there; some far more deceptive than the mafia of the 70's could have ever imagined. These can be identified in every facet of life; music, education, government, business, spirituality and healthcare. It's called "politics"... I call it "propheteering".
Propheteering is a strategy used to market ideas and make icons or gurus out of great actors and actresses. Little attention is given to the integrity of the message. In fact, they can be singing the same song and consumers are made to believe it is something new. I don't care if we are voting for a President or looking to sign up our company with a business consulting firm promising wealth, we must look at the intention behind the firm. Intention is everything.
Questions to ask:
1. Is there more than one expert on staff?
2. Is the playground shared in terms of promoting the product or is the attention primarily focused on one or two individuals in terms of making the OPRAH circuit?
3. Do company representatives serve well outside of their career pursuit?
If the answer is yes to all three questions, make an appointment to listen to their sales pitch. We don't need anymore Prophets seeking Profits. We need people serving people.
Perhaps I'm dating myself, but remember when the customer came first and was always right?
I do.
Monday, May 12, 2008
Do what you love and the money will come. How many times have you heard that? Often business professionals and executive coaches spend session after session trying to assist their clients in gaining clarity as to what change to make. The key word is "CHANGE". It's the one thing that we all know we can count on and the one thing that serves at the epicenter of love or loving well enough to be successful. Many people often do not get lessons in learning how to love their work, or in embracing their job responsibilities and managing the differences that come with being surrounded by many various personalities. Instead it is something they do as a means to an end. In fact the word LOVE on an executive business forum or an employment site is almost unheard of. Yet, LOVE is everything when it comes to achieving success naturally. Gain that comes naturally, gives us energy.
I can't tell you how many people have come into my office saying. "I don't even know what love looks like!" or "what it feels like!" The truth is, LOVE is not a look or a feeling... it is a movement. That's right. Love is having the ability to adjust, flex and flow in the face of harmony and adversity. It's being able to shift gears, change plans, take over, hold back, organize, stir things up, laugh, cry and even disappear when you know it will serve the situation best. All too often we stand glued, attached and fixated to an expectation or imagined outcome. The result frequently becomes more important than the relationships leading up to the grand finale. Guess what? It's always about the relationships.
Love in a relationship is an exquisitely improvised piece of choreography ever revealing new lyrical sequences that entertain and enlighten our existence. It usually starts out as a soft prelude and as time goes on the steps we take become a reflection of the choices we make. Ask yourself, how well do you move through your life and in the management of all your relationships? If you move well... then you LOVE well. It's just that simple.
LOVE is something that starts with Y.O.U., your own understanding. YCG prides itself in making today's cutting edge human assessment technology "THE ULTIMATE LIFE TOOL" available to certified ICF IAC life coaches, psychotherapists, MFTs, LCWs, educators and qualified seasoned relationship management professionals. Certification programs are available and accredited by the California State Board of Behavioral Sciences.
GET "THE ANSWER" today!!!
For more information about using the latest technology in human understanding contact YCG at 760.230.8016.
Monday, May 5, 2008
I came across an interesting article about passive aggressive behavior. I was saddened by the fact that homogenized theories and pigeon hole perceptions were conveyed and that little attention was given to the true nature of the individual. Seems all passive-aggressive types according to popular standards stem from the same pool of unaddressed childhood issues. NOT!!! Passive Aggressive behavior simply means that an individual is more passive in nature than aggressive. Some people are more aggressive than passive. Displays of dysfunction occur when ignorance prevails rather than intelligence and this blatant presentation of toxicity is largely due to the fact that there are few people, places and things that don't suffer from it in some degree or another. Passive & Aggressive are simply words used to describe how natural law shows up in an individual. Unfortunately, words also create opinion and falsify truths that could and would bring us closer to self-realization if we simply took the time to understand the physical world we live in realizing physical law does not subscribe to opinion.
Many people are Aggressive-Aggressive. Most often these types become extremely volatile and destructive when clarity is not present. However, these are the same individuals that move quickly in a crisis and are upfront about the realities of life, addressing them head-on. We should never expect a Passive-Aggressive to behave in the same way. Passive Aggressive types are not volatile even in a toxic state. They are reclusive and often victimized when not seeing life clearly. Clarity is a gift of intelligence. Whenever you are not thinking clearly you are simply toxic and need to dust yourself off before life gets worse. If you would like to know more about the true nature of who you are, specifically your polarity and what electromagnetic potential awareness can do for you, contact YCG and start discovering the real Y.O.U. today.
Zannah Hackett
Test Drive "THE ULTIMATE LIFE TOOL™" Today! and Get Your Private, Free "Personal Alchemy Report" from Y.O.U. Consulting Group at:
Monday, April 28, 2008
THE ANSWER by Zannah Hackett
THE ANSWER permits one to recognize solutions and develop strategies that are designed to enhance their unique physical presentation, performance and maintain the integrity of who they are. Showing up authentically requires intelligence and unfortunately our ability to access intelligence got lost in translation over hundreds of thousands of years. In fact, "We still are striving to recognize ourselves in our own individual states of authenticity, knowing deep down inside that there is a reason why we show up the way we do in this life. Yet, we still refuse to take the time to discover WHAT we are but rather prefer to subscribe to who we are.We are a species that can easily differentiate between a cactus and a willow but cannot see itself. We recognize that a cheetah runs faster than a cow but often judge man as inferior if he naturally moves a bit slower than another.This lack of sight is largely due to the noise of our lifetime and it likely all began when man uttered his first word."*
The wonderful results of enlisting a tool that affords one the ability to see the nature of another without uttering a word dramatically improves the decision making process. If you know you are looking at a cactus you are not going to recommend planting him in the snow. All too often we place recommendations and advise based on what works for ourselves. We are all very unique and cannot be homogenized. This lifetime prides itself in dumbing us down so that we can begin to understand ourselves. I am not so sure this is the right approach. However, I am sure that if everyone had THE ANSWER, there would be complete acceptance based on the OBVIOUS rather than opinion or subjective reasoning.
THE ANSWER is an overview of an in depth understanding referred to as the Knowledge of Y.O.U.. This body of information is grounded in science, founded in nature and serves as the impetus for the latest advanced human assessment technology today "THE ULTIMATE LIFE TOOL". Not unlike Ken Wilber's scientific reasoning with regards to the 3 different aspects of science and its need to meet up with an injunction in order to manifest in the third dimension, THE ANSWER reveals in a practical sense how humans are influenced physically by this process as well as the laws that serve as the source code in supporting the integrity of one's natural or not so natural presentation.If you are life coach, a relationship expert, healthcare professional, educator or HR executive, you can benefit a great deal from this tool.
To request THE ANSWER cd or learn more about YCG's services, seminars and highly skilled certified practitioners, simply contact YCG,LLC at 760.230.8016.
* Excerpt from the book, THE ANSWER, available soon.
Zannah Hackett
Author, preceptor, relationship technologist
Friday, April 11, 2008
I can't believe how many people detest waiting in line and how their behavior begins to slime everyone within their personal field. I often wonder if we were to consider waiting in line a chance versus a challenge, if clarity and viral protection would prevail. Perhaps we could even walk away clearer and healthier from having had the chance to stand in line or wait on the phone by changing our attitude towards it. Imagine if we saw standing in line as a form of toxic release?
The truth is, it all comes down to choice and perception. We can choose to embrace each moment by maximizing the opportunity to stop the clock and catch up on our thoughts for the day or agonize over the fact that everyone and everything is not jumping to fast enough for our liking. Americans are just simply spoiled. We whine about waiting in line at Starbucks while children in Africa wait in greater lines for a thimble full of rice with a smile and excitement on their face.
Next time you have to wait in line... enjoy the wait. Once you master waiting, every time you must wait, you will find you have more patience with everyone and everything in your life. It's a form of training. Your family, friends, employees and employers will begin to notice the kindness and clarity you have to offer their life. When that begins to happen, self-mastery is in the works and all from simply learning to love the wait.
Take a chance... spend your time wisely.
For more information regarding LIFE MANAGEMENT visit
Make an appointment with a practitioner today!
Zannah Hackett
The Knowledge of Y.O.U. , your own understanding
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
“We can leave it all behind, and sail to Lahaina, just like the missionaries did, so many years ago. They even brought a neon sign that says, ‘Jesus is Coming’, brought the white man’s burden down, brought the white man’s reign. We’ll provide the grand design of what is yours and what is mine. There is no more new frontier, we have got to make it here, to satisfy our endless needs, and justify our bloody deeds, in the name of destiny and in the name of God. And you can see them there, on Sunday morning, stand up and sing about, what it’s like up there. They call it paradise, I don’t know why, call some place paradise, kiss it goodbye.”
That neon sign is still on top of a church in Lahaina. We need to be very careful what true beauty and spirit we destroy with our own insatiable desire to conquer and instill our own agenda.
Hal Taylor
is VP of Intl. Business and Live Events as well as certified YCG Practitioner and Life Coach. He currently has helped to deliver The Desktop Life Coach, an online journal for assisting coaches and their clients in accomplishing goals and rising to their full potential.Monday, March 24, 2008
Angie A. Swartz is an expert level YOU consultant. She is a former corporate ladder climber who reinvented her own life and became an executive coach and author. As part of her own journey as a new mother on the quest to have and balance it all, she founded the Six Figure Mom’s Club where career-minded women can connect with their peers to discuss the issues they face. Her passion is in helping people view themselves as the leaders they are by developing the confidence to know they can have most anything they desire. She works with six figure professionals, offering a unique combination of strong business acumen and a warm coaching approach to encourage creative thinking about their career and life options. You can learn more about Angie at
Monday, March 17, 2008
I don’t believe in luck. In Vegas,, we call it gambling, but the casino owners call it gaming, because to them, it is a game, and they build their business model around it. No one builds their business around luck. There is a quote attributed to Thomas Jefferson that says, "I find that the harder I work, the more luck I seem to have." Several golfers and business people have even taken versions of the quote.
My definition of “luck” is… when preparation meets opportunity. Preparation, you have total control over, and the opportunities, I believe are divinely guided. When one meets the other, good things happen. It is you doing your part to meet a blessing that comes your way. First of all, know yourself and prepare. You can find out a lot about yourself by visiting and taking the survey. You can get a translation and a personal consultation which will tell you how to prepare for this game called life. Prepare diligently, and then open your eyes to the opportunities that are all around you and take action on them. That’s what separates the superstars from the also-rans. Luck has nothing to do with it.
Hal Taylor is VP of Intl. Business and Live Events as well as a certified YCG Practitioner and Life Coach. He currently has helped to deliver The Desktop Life Coach, an online journal for assisting coaches and their clients in accomplishing goals and rising to their full potential.
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
I received two unbelievable gifts recently. I got to spend time with my great-aunt, who is 95, and knows she doesn’t have much time left in this world. Spending time with her, nothing in my life seemed important, it didn’t matter what I did for a living, or where I lived, or what I had accomplished. All that was important was to be in her presence and love her. I realized that where she is in the Cycle of Life,, nothing else matters. The day after that visit, I got an email from friends in Australia, who had their first child, a boy. In the mom’s email, she said, “All other things in life seem so unimportant now that he is here.” I realized that I had connected with the beginning and the end of the Cycle of Life in a twenty-four hour period. So it made me think, if the beginning is all about love, and the end is all about love, everything else in the middle is unimportant compared to love, as well.
Hal Taylor is VP of Intl. Business and Live Events as well as certified YCG Practitioner and Life Coach. He currently has helped to deliver The Desktop Life Coach, an online journal for assisting coaches and their clients in accomplishing goals and rising to their full potential.
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
The Knowledge of YOU survey helped me identify 5 easy things I can do to honor my spouse and make our lives together better every day. Who ever thought it could be so easy but it really is. Give yourself the gift of the Survey today and ask a YOU consultant to help you and your partner really see each other. We guarantee you won’t regret it!
Angie A. Swartz is an expert level YOU consultant. She is a former corporate ladder climber who reinvented her own life and became an executive coach and author. As part of her own journey as a new mother on the quest to have and balance it all, she founded the Six Figure Mom’s Club where career-minded women can connect with their peers to discuss the issues they face. Her passion is in helping people view themselves as the leaders they are by developing the confidence to know they can have most anything they desire. She works with six figure professionals, offering a unique combination of strong business acumen and a warm coaching approach to encourage creative thinking about their career and life options. You can learn more about Angie at
Thursday, January 31, 2008
One of the injustices that man has imposed upon himself since first beginning to speak, is the notion that he or she is an adult at or around 21. The reality is, he is mature, he is in perfect bloom, he is full term and brand new, he is fully assembled and road worthy. He is not an adult. He does not KNOW HIMSELF. Adult implies that he is ready, well-equipped to make intelligent choices while existing in an ignorant world. This is like trying to see clearly underwater in a muddy lake. Intelligence requires self-knowledge beyond likes and dislikes. If one enters THE INTERVAL slimed by life, it is likely that a great deal of disillusionment, hardship and even self-destruction will take place. It's important that one try to remain clear-headed during this time. Marriages frequently fall apart (80%) and children are left to suffer the effects of it all. Some remarry and others simply leave town looking for something outside of themselves. Careers begin to have a lack luster appeal and many often feel trapped by their own vain imaginings. Some feel sorry for themselves and others fear the sky is about to cave in on top of them. Nothing is as it seems during this time. Knowing that this is completely natural and that one's energy is likely to diminish, and life appears to be pedestrian, routine and annoyingly repetitive, it's vital that intelligence prevail and you not throw the baby out with bath water.
The life you have created up until this point has been a co-operative effort and even though it may feel like you are on the escalator to nowhere, you will arrive at a new destination and you will be pleasantly surprised. Back in the day when marriages lasted for 50 and 60 years, there was little to distract one from merely surviving. The bonds that formed in marriages and in the family institution were strong because they saw and intermingled with each other daily. Prior to that era women died during this interval because at age 39, which represents the eye of the hurricane, many would get pregnant for the last time and their bodies could not take it given the demands of a pioneer lifestyle. Consequently, the men that remained behind experienced change. And change is what this interval is all about. There is no other interval like it. It changes YOU forever and the people in your life. If you are wise and intelligent enough to hang onto the baby while making efforts to clean the water then that which lies on other side will be paradise. If you choose to throw the baby out, you will be faced with loneliness, intermittent friendships, hidden guilt and having to reinvent yourself. It's a very selfish time and most of us just don't know how to handle it. The voices in our head are louder than usual and the discontent and sensitivity to all that was once familiar (people we loved, places we call home and once favorite pastimes) all become close to intolerable. We are not feeling like the same person. We are essentially a trapped caterpillar inside an ill-fitting sleeping bag.
In spite of the fact that it may feel like suffocating or being held prisoner in our world, it's vital we not discard anything or anyone during this time. Infidelity and hair brained schemes will pound upon your door. Should you decide to open the door, there will be consequences that will impact every moment of your existence from that point on. Total peace becomes a long way off and self-discovery introduces new painful realities of life that otherwise would never have come about. As age 40 commences, our thought processes become more refined providing we haven't fallen prey to drugs or alcohol trying to sedate the voices in our head. This means common sense begins to whisper in our ear as a new sense of reality begins to manifest. New opportunities that before never seemed possible show up in your life and eventually, life as you know it, is changing rapidly.
At age 42, you get to catch your breath, rest , recover and heal from the trauma that was imposed NATURALLY upon you during this time, regardless of whether you chose to wait it out or not. It is a birthing process. This survival brings about a great gift. This gift is ADULTHOOD. It is not until we reach 43 that we can truly call ourselves an adult. In fact, many of us stay in denial right up until our 43rd birthday. But just like the sun rising, so does our welcoming of adulthood as we begin to viscerally understand we only have one body and one life in this lifetime and that making history with someone requires total commitment. IN absolute TRUTH you wake up to a new YOU and become as aware as you are clean. If you are in this interval, know that it is only temporary. Do not discard, dismiss or degrade anyone or anything during this time. Stay calm, stay clear and stay true to yourself in knowing that change is taking place and you are to do nothing but lie still in the cocoon until such time Mother Nature urges you to emerge and fly. Remember, "it is not a straight-jacket" but just another womb. Those that feel confined and emerge prematurely suffer greatly in the days that follow. Don't fight it or blame others for your discontent. You have to fake it till you make it. I call it the bridge of pretending.
For the most part, the human being is an interesting creature. It operates in three modes...Intelligent, Ignorant and Pretend. When it takes good care of itself, it exhibits signs of intelligence and when self-maintenance is overlooked, it begins to exhibit symptoms of ignorance. Unfortunately, we live in a fairly toxic world even in the most remote pristine areas of human existence. Consequently, the ability to maintain an intelligent presentation is almost impossible thus, we have created a third method of performance called Pretending. We do this to keep moving forward and to manage our physical energy wisely. We are in the Pretend Mode every time we pretend we like something when in truth, we don't. How many times have you pretended to enjoy a meal, an activity or an event when in fact in you didn't care for any of it? The reasons for not being honest is multi-faceted but truthfully it boils down to remaining energy efficient. Very few people are privileged to live in a world of constant intelligence simply because ignorance permeates every fiber of our environment. Words of ignorance are often woven with threads of disease and ill intent. We find ourselves manipulative, intimidating, negligent, and self-absorbed almost daily. Pretending is choosing the middle road, mediocrity and being average in a world where few have respect for intelligence. Intelligence is not "being book smart". It is knowing how to stay clean in a dirty world. It's understanding the significance of bringing yourself to center daily and the role that meditation, taking long quiet walks and singing in the rain have to offer. Journaling, jogging, and making faces out of the clouds as you lay down on a blanket of grass, are all methods of bathing one's self. We have to do those things that maintain the integrity of our being. It's a dirty world out there and if you don't know how to dust yourself off regularly, you'll become a proponent of toxicity and contribute only disease to this lifetime. The interval is when our immune system becomes most vulnerable in terms of making intelligent choices. It is very easy to subscribe to ignorance simply because we no longer have a clear view. Mother Nature wants us to be still and discover our self but society and family demand our presence as usual. This requires that we stand strong in our mode of pretend until such time nature allows to proceed with a more enlightened understanding of life and how it really works.
Life in this interval has you restless, unhappy, and making excuses for why things are no longer satisfying. If you feel trapped and stifled by the very lifestyle you have helped to co-create, then you must begin to seek ways to calm your anxiety and distract your thoughts. Tell yourself, "This is only temporary" and that "I can choose to love an be happy today" or "I can choose to embrace those who love me deeply." Be in the moment. Live only for today and not a minute longer. Do not look at tomorrow for a single second and do not look over the fence at how much greener your neighbor's grass is in comparison to yours. Your ability to judge during this time is veiled by nature's cocoon. Use this time to explore and expand your own inner understanding of what you are about to become and how you can be the best you can be. Should you take this advice, the rewards that come on the other side of this interval are many and most importantly offer a history of commitment and love. Be strong enough to endure the insanity of this growth period. Growing pains make us incredibly uncomfortable in our own skin.
Don't give up the history you have created with another, you lose a part of yourself when you make this choice. Stay whole, stay true. Focus on being love rather than being in love. Love is the oxygen of life. It will keep you in check during this very natural and temporary time of life. There's a lot to be said for, "And this too shall pass" because it is absolutely TRUE!
Zannah Hackett
Founder & CEO YCG,LLC
Relationship Technology Expert
"Creating perfect relationships in Business, at Home and in Life"
Sunday, January 27, 2008
1) Get clear on what you would like to create. (The Law of Intention and Desire)
2) Commit your vision/s to paper in a very specific manner; times, dates, etc.. (The Laws of 3 and 7)
And ...
3) Listen to your "Hunches" – That inner voice that tells you to do or go places the rational mind would not. As a Certified Life Coach and Level III Practitioner of The Knowledge of Y.O.U; (Your own Understanding) I highly recommend visiting The Knowledge of Y.O.U. website to learn more about how these Natural Laws Show up in all of us and how we can put them to use in achieving everything our hearts desire! Knowledge IS power, and knowing all about YOU and how you work is the first step towards realizing all your dreams.
David Hackett, YCG Certified Life Coach, is the Co-founder and President of the Y.O.U. Consulting Group, an organization specializing in the development of human assessment technology software for purposes of creating perfect relationships in business, home and life.
Friday, January 25, 2008
Friday, January 18, 2008
The New Year for many people presents the perfect time to create a fresh start. Resolutions are made and a desire for renewal is in the air. Setting goals is one of the first steps to take in manifesting that renewal. However, many people set themselves up for failure by not identifying and developing achievable goals for themselves based on their unique design. We are all perfectly designed and no one person is designed exactly like you. The Knowledge of Y.O.U. reveals this individual unique perfection in each one of us. It provides us with the Ultimate Life Tool to assist us in understanding how it is that we operate, individually. Understanding your unique design will allow you to put your energy into setting goals that honor your design rather than ones that inhibit you from creating successful outcomes. Whether your goal is to lose weight, get out of debt, get organized, change employment, break an unhealthy habit, or any other personal goal, gaining an understanding of you through The Knowledge of Y.O.U. will help you to identify,develop, and achieve goals that are perfect for YOU.
Lisa Nelson is a Certified Level III Practitioner and Life Coach in the Knowledge of Y.O.U. She is also the founder of Polish Your Life, a coaching and consulting practice that assists individuals in creating successful, authentic connections with themselves and with people in all areas of their lives. Through life coaching, etiquette coaching and ballroom dance, she provides tools to help people build confidence and clarity to create those successful connections. The Ultimate Life Tool is a key component in her practice. She uses it in every aspect of her own life and with each one of herclients, every day. To learn about how you can add more polish to your life, visit
Monday, January 14, 2008
Hal Taylor VP of International Business and Live Events and a YCG expert. Hal has been active on the cutting edge of the field of human behavior for the past 15 years. He has traveled the world helping people make shifts in their underlying beliefs to improve the quality of their lives. His specialty is helping people break through their fears, and help them live the quality of life that they deserve.
Saturday, January 12, 2008
Angie A. Swartz is an expert level YOU consultant. She is a former corporate ladder climber who reinvented her own life and became an executive coach and author. As part of her own journey as a new mother on the quest to have and balance it all, she founded the Six Figure Mom’s Club where career-minded women can connect with their peers to discuss the issues they face. Her passion is in helping people view themselves as the leaders they are by developing the confidence to know they can have most anything they desire. She works with six figure professionals, offering a unique combination of strong business acumen and a warm coaching approach to encourage creative thinking about their career and life options. You can learn more about Angie at
Saturday, January 5, 2008
Zannah Hackett American Perspectives Interview
Whenever someone asks me to do an interview, I get a little concerned. Often times, I don't know the person that is interviewing me and have no clue as to what their agenda is in showcasing the information I have to offer. I have found over the last 20 years of doing talk radio that our voice has to become expressive because it cannot be seen. Seeing a person's voice is a gift and being able to make it visible leaves all kinds of impressions.
My voice is very indicative of my STYLE as it is understood in The Knowledge of Y.O.U. which is the basis for a human assessment technology developed by YCG called The Ultimate Life Tool. It is a fragile voice until it has a chance to warm up. Fortunately in this interview, because of its length and because of the hostess' great questions, it becomes quite comfortable in the first minute or so.
My STYLE typically has a child-like quality to it and you can hear the feminine child-like traits in the beginning of this interview. Even at age 54 it accompanies me and still I have people on the phone asking me if my parents are home. Fortunately, it does not remain childish and soon adopts a sense of purpose and strength. Knowing one's style affords others a great deal of input if they have a clear understanding of the laws of nature that produce that kind of outcome. It is in SEEING the true nature of someone even as they speak, that we are afforded the opportunity to accept, understand and benefit from their authenticity.
The Greeks frequently insisted that we "Know Thyself". It is in accomplishing this that life becomes purposeful and effortless for we all are perfect. Afterall, "God doesn't make does". Zannah
To view the interview click here: Zannah Hackett American Perspectives Interview