Here we are in February already with Valentine’s Day knocking at our door. What feelings are evoked for you when you think about cupid and Valentine’s Day? Are you blissfully in love with your partner or are you a person who watches the latest romantic comedy (currently Katherine Heigle’s 27 Dresses) and wishes for that sparkling, intimate connection you see lovers having on the big screen? If you are in the first category, congratulations! But if you are the latter, then it’s time to stop and revalue how you feel about your current relationship. Set a goal today to focus on your relationship’s rebirth and start by writing ten things that you really love about your mate. Can’t find ten, dig harder. Something attracted you to this person and you have to reconnect with it. Okay, so you’re the pessimist. You’ve tried hard and you really can’t find ten things. In fact, you can only find ten terrible things. Here’s your permission to write those down too. The catch is you must throw this list in the trash when you’re done. This is the first step to flushing out negative feelings so you can focus on the positive. Now, refocus your energy on the positive and finish that list. Don’t you owe it to yourself to make your relationships the best they can be? In the time it takes to shop for flowers, candy or jewelry, you might just give your partner the best gift of all by honoring what you love about them. Why do anything if you aren’t doing your best to make it succeed? Especially the relationship you spend most of your time on…
The Knowledge of YOU survey helped me identify 5 easy things I can do to honor my spouse and make our lives together better every day. Who ever thought it could be so easy but it really is. Give yourself the gift of the Survey today and ask a YOU consultant to help you and your partner really see each other. We guarantee you won’t regret it!
Angie A. Swartz is an expert level YOU consultant. She is a former corporate ladder climber who reinvented her own life and became an executive coach and author. As part of her own journey as a new mother on the quest to have and balance it all, she founded the Six Figure Mom’s Club where career-minded women can connect with their peers to discuss the issues they face. Her passion is in helping people view themselves as the leaders they are by developing the confidence to know they can have most anything they desire. She works with six figure professionals, offering a unique combination of strong business acumen and a warm coaching approach to encourage creative thinking about their career and life options. You can learn more about Angie at www.aaswartz.com.
The Knowledge of YOU survey helped me identify 5 easy things I can do to honor my spouse and make our lives together better every day. Who ever thought it could be so easy but it really is. Give yourself the gift of the Survey today and ask a YOU consultant to help you and your partner really see each other. We guarantee you won’t regret it!
Angie A. Swartz is an expert level YOU consultant. She is a former corporate ladder climber who reinvented her own life and became an executive coach and author. As part of her own journey as a new mother on the quest to have and balance it all, she founded the Six Figure Mom’s Club where career-minded women can connect with their peers to discuss the issues they face. Her passion is in helping people view themselves as the leaders they are by developing the confidence to know they can have most anything they desire. She works with six figure professionals, offering a unique combination of strong business acumen and a warm coaching approach to encourage creative thinking about their career and life options. You can learn more about Angie at www.aaswartz.com.
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