By Zannah Hackett, PhD
Whether you are a leader or a follower, one must take a strong look at the toxicity of one's environment in an effort to proceed forward with integrity. Toxicity as we know it comes in many forms. There are the lovely viral influences that are re-infecting us: like the all too familiar seasonal flu that keeps coming back to bless us with its presence FOR THE FIFTH MONTH IN A ROW. What is that all about? Then there are those disgruntled people that seem to pop up at the dry cleaners, the bank and local wireless phone store, taking pleasure in spewing their venom upon everyone, because they TOO have to wait in line. In fact, waiting in line probably rates among the top five most popular causes for toxicity and spreading viruses.I can't believe how many people detest waiting in line and how their behavior begins to slime everyone within their personal field. I often wonder, if we were to consider waiting in line a chance versus a challenge, if clarity and viral protection would prevail. Perhaps we could even walk away clearer and healthier from having had the chance to stand in line or wait on the phone by changing our attitude towards it. Imagine if we saw standing in line as a form of toxic release?The truth is, it all comes down to choice and perception. We can choose to embrace each moment by maximizing the opportunity to stop the clock and catch up on our thoughts for the day or agonize over the fact that everyone and everything is not jumping to fast enough for our liking. Americans are just simply spoiled. We whine about waiting in line at Starbucks while children in Africa wait in greater lines for a thimble full of rice with a smile and excitement on their face.Next time you have to wait in line... enjoy the wait. Once you master waiting, every time you must wait, you will find you have more patience with everyone and everything in your life. It's a form of training. Your family, friends, employees and employers will begin to notice the kindness and clarity you have to offer their life. When that begins to happen, self-mastery is in the works and all from simply learning to love the wait. Take a chance... spend your time wisely.
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