
Friday, November 11, 2011

Book Excerpt 1 from Y.O.U. and The Ultimate Life Tool®: By Dr. Zannah Hackett

Learning how to see each other will ultimately allow individuals to eliminate misconceptions they may have about themselves and misconceptions they may have about others, so that they can literally approach each relationship in every area of life with understanding, non-judgment, and complete acceptance. That’s a pretty powerful statement, isn’t it? What the Knowledge of Y.O.U®  and The Ultimate Life Tool® technology reveals to us is the perfection of our individual unique design. Obviously, each one of us is uniquely different. Much like the many different cars in a parking lot, we each have a unique physical appearance, special capabilities, and our own way of experiencing life. Each one of us is perfectly designed, yet for many people, this perfection has become distorted. Many people travel through life, operating from a mode of which others believe is best for them or from a place where others feel that they should be spending their time and energy, rather than from a place that naturally suits them as the one-of-a-kind individuals that they are.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Perfect by Design

Have you ever felt that there were times when you felt so out of sorts being in your body? That no one understands you? If they only lived in my body, then they would know how I really feel.

About 4 years ago I came across a body of knowledge that changed my life forever. It is called “The Knowledge of Y.O.U.”(your own understanding). You take a test and from that test, you get an owner’s manual as to how you operate. From this assessment, one can see if their car is purring or running rough due to “life”. Not only that- you get to see that you are “perfect by design”. We are all unique in our own way and this knowledge teaches and shows you how to use your gifts as well as when you are feeling out of sorts how to bring yourself back to your most perfect authentic self.

There may be things that you want to change, but what if you could embrace all parts of you knowing that you are unique and perfect in every part of your being, it can give you a sense of freedom like you have never experienced.

Take the test today!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Before you say "I Do"

WOW – CONGRATULATIONS! This is one of the most exciting times in life! You have finally committed to spending the rest of your life with your special partner. Doesn’t it feel great to have someone love, admire and trust you so much that they want to spend every day with you? Actually, there is no better feeling in the world, than the true feeling of being loved by the person you love most in this world. This is an amazing time.
But, with the passion and excitement in the beginning, “love can be blind”. You need to realize some critical characteristics and expectations about your future life partner. Some of these expectations are generational while others are learned. Totally committing yourself and your life to someone else requires you to do your homework and really learn about your future partner. You need to know some important features and expectations about this future spouse and really understand who they will be, even after the “Honeymoon Phase”.
Following are a few very important questions that you should talk about and understand before you say ‘I DO’. At the end we will give you information about an incredible human assessment instrument, called ‘The Ultimate Life Tool’, which will give you some amazing, objective, scientific information about your future partner. This tool will allow you to better understand the innate abilities, motivations, preferences, ways to relate and communicate, levels of activity, energy and clarity. The better you know your partner the better the chances for a successful and fulfilling marriage.
Following are a few of the important topics and expectations to understand before you say “I DO”:
Financial Expectations – Who will be working? Current financial obligations?
Savings strategy? Retirement?
Children - How many? Private or public schools? Spirituality?
Spirituality expectations?
Where you expect to be in 5, 10, and 20 years?
Critical information for you to understand - Previous marriages? Current children? STD’s and other vital health information?
Expectations about holidays and family involvement?
Everything that is critically important to you!!
As important, wouldn’t you love to know more about the exciting natural abilities and motivations of your future partner? Go to The Ultimate Life Tool and take the test. Congratulations again and remember the best marriages are not an accident!


Karen Scanlon
YCG Certified Specialist