Identify your natural state of behavior.
I came across an interesting article about passive aggressive behavior. I was saddened by the fact that homogenized theories and pigeon hole perceptions were conveyed and that little attention was given to the true nature of the individual. Seems all passive-aggressive types according to popular standards stem from the same pool of un-addressed childhood issues. NOT!!! Passive Aggressive behavior simply means that an individual is more passive in nature than aggressive. Some people are more aggressive than passive. Displays of dysfunction occur when ignorance prevails, rather than intelligence, and this blatant presentation of toxicity is largely due to the fact that there are few people, places and things that don't suffer from it in some degree or another. Passive & Aggressive are simply words used to describe how natural law shows up in an individual. Unfortunately, words also create opinion and falsify truths that could and would bring us closer to self-realization if we simply took the time to understand the physical world we live in realizing physical law does not subscribe to opinion.
Many people are Aggressive-Aggressive. Most often these types become extremely volatile and destructive when clarity is not present. However, these are the same individuals that move quickly in a crisis and are upfront about the realities of life, addressing them head-on. We should never expect a Passive-Aggressive to behave in the same way. Passive-Aggressive types are not volatile even in a toxic state. They are reclusive and often victimized when not seeing life clearly. Clarity is a gift of intelligence. Whenever you are not thinking clearly you are simply toxic and need to dust yourself off before life gets worse. If you would like to know more about the true nature of who you are, specifically your polarity and what electromagnetic potential awareness can do for you, contact YCG and start discovering the real Y.O.U. today.
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