People think I am stuck up, unapproachable or a snob until they get to know me. How can I make them understand I am who I am ?
I completely understand the misconception you may receive from others. I have experienced the same challenge from people until I discovered The Ultimate Life Tool. I now understand I am in a space of humility as no longer a deficit or an imperfection to my personality. On the contrary it’s become my greatest advocate because I have the ability to be a good listener which is a gift that many do not possess. I do not deem it necessary to express my words to be heard or understood. Instead, I feel energized when I observe the conversation of others as I listen to their exchange of opinions and words . I portray a person of interest who concentrates with astute attentiveness to the exchange of conversation at hand. I embrace who I am and I don’t need to be the center of attention in order to feed myself. Now that I have discovered WHAT I am rather than what people expect me to be…my life has been transformed. The attribute of humility enables me to disregard chatter that exists in a classroom environment due to the asset of my listening skills. I absorb information that’s important to the subject matter and turn a deaf ear to the inquiry of redundant questions by all that feel the necessity to be heard. I completely understand why I can vanish in a crowded room but I have the advantage of an observer behind the scenes. I feel fortunate rather than a misfit as society places much emphasis on whether you are friendly, quiet or a snob. In reality you possess a quality that motivates you to perform at your optimum…fully energized.
Now I am refreshed, rejuvenated, renewed to conquer all the obstacles in my path because I have truly learned to understand and embrace my humility as my perfection. All of us are different, unique and perfect. When a friend regurgitates our first introduction with statements such as, I thought you were stuck up, I thought you were quiet or unapproachable, I thought you did not like me, or I thought you were a snob. Instead of feeling inadequate or defensive I simply reply by expressing; “ I know you thought that of me but to know me is to love me. “
I possess new found confidence because of The Ultimate Life Tool and I realize you must love yourself before you can love someone else. In order to thrive in this world and to be a complete human being you must check in and believe in a higher power, a God of your own understanding to realize true wealth, health and prosperity.
YCG Certified Specialist
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