
Sunday, January 27, 2008


IT’S A NEW YEAR!! Yes, can you believe it? We are fast into 2008 already and I just LOVE the challenge and opportunity to reaffirm my commitments, goals,wishes and dreams at the beginning of each new year. One of the MOST important aspects of the creative process is to not only hold the vision of your goals, but committing them to paper. That's right, commit them to paper. Some people say "Why should I write my goals down?" "I know what I want!" Well,that may be true, most of us do know what we want, but have no process by going about achieving those wants- other than wanting them. The true process of creation on this 3rd dimensional plane is actually quite simple: It's understanding the workings of the Laws of Nature:

1) Get clear on what you would like to create. (The Law of Intention and Desire)

2) Commit your vision/s to paper in a very specific manner; times, dates, etc.. (The Laws of 3 and 7)

And ...

3) Listen to your "Hunches" – That inner voice that tells you to do or go places the rational mind would not. As a Certified Life Coach and Level III Practitioner of The Knowledge of Y.O.U; (Your own Understanding) I highly recommend visiting The Knowledge of Y.O.U. website to learn more about how these Natural Laws Show up in all of us and how we can put them to use in achieving everything our hearts desire! Knowledge IS power, and knowing all about YOU and how you work is the first step towards realizing all your dreams.

David Hackett, YCG Certified Life Coach, is the Co-founder and President of the Y.O.U. Consulting Group, an organization specializing in the development of human assessment technology software for purposes of creating perfect relationships in business, home and life.

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