Human Assessment Technology for Creating Perfect Relationships in Business, Home & Life.
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Monday, August 23, 2010
Do you know what you are?
All too often we rely on subjective reasoning, what lies in a person's essence, or that which is written on their resume to reveal the true nature of an individual. Unfortunately that which is NATURAL is only made evident through physical law and how well a person understands its visible appearance. The lack of being able to identify these laws on site and the tendency to settle for who we are as defined by our personal history and lineage, is the primary cause for failure in all aspects of life.
We are as diverse from one another as a cactus is to a willow or a great dane is to a cocker spaniel. It really doesn't matter who you are or who your parents were when it comes to rising to your full potential. What matters is WHAT YOU ARE! Once one knows what they are they then can begin to make proper choices for their life. Their choices will be based on their unique understanding of self as it relates to those laws that are responsible for their physicality and behavior.
To date, there are more than 3000 psychometric tools commonly used by society to enhance corporate performance, resolve family conflict and identify career paths. All of these will serve man much better if the provider knows what they are looking at. Today, YCG, LLC offers advanced human assessment technology referred to as The Ultimate Life Tool to define the true nature of a person's physical reality.
YCG looks at relationship professionals as mind, body and spirit mechanics. Each professional carries with them a tool kit filled with instruments like DISC, NLP, Jungian Theory, Myers Briggs, etc. These tools work only if you know WHAT you are working on. Much like taking your BMW to an auto mechanic that unknowingly uses Ford auto parts to try and fix what appears to be not working, professionals can run the risk of doing some damage rather than offering solutions. The success rate is largely determined by the KIND of vehicles they are working on and understanding how their tools interface with what the person is rather than who they are, where they were educated and what happened to them prior to their arrival.
The Ultimate Life tool is a full diagnostic, measuring one's energy pool, what motivates them, their electromagnetic potential, their levels of tolerance and so much more. The HR professional, Life Coach, and Educator that uses this technology as their first method of creating an action plan, brings a cutting edge service to their client that measures above all others on the market today.
To learn more about Y.O.U. TECHNOLOGY and certification programs, contact YCG,LLC 760.230.8016. BOOK AVAILABLE!
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Education and Y.O.U.

The YOU Consulting Group (YCG), home of The Ultimate Life Tool, recently launched its in-service curriculum for education. The Ultimate Life Tool is one of the newest advanced human assessment instruments available today. In brief, the methodology behind the technology is based on The Knowledge of Y.O. U., which is an acronym for your own understanding. This insight is older than the language of man, grounded in science and founded in nature. Unlike the current staples available in the psychometric industry, psychotherapists, educators, life coaches and human resource professionals are finding this cutting edge instrument to be a full diagnostic, offering an objective comprehensive approach that is quick, easy and accurate. Last month, The Children’s School, a prestigious forward thinking award winning elementary school in La Jolla, California, scheduled an in-service program with YCG. The full day experience was filled with new objective ways to SEE the true nature of one’s behavior and how it influences others. In addition to revealing the dynamics of the self as it relates to physical law, many discoveries were made in how to SEE the authenticity of a child and the manner in which he or she learns. The participants became familiar with the importance of being able to differentiate between natural and learned behavior as it applied specifically to themselves, their peers and the children they teach.
Aside from the role that audio, visual and tactile play in creating lesson plans, the knowledge revealed that human beings are far more complex when it comes to how they learn and relate to their environment. Furthermore it demonstrated how each human being on the planet, at any age, is as unique as their thumbprint and how prescribing homogenized programs could exclude a vast majority of children in the classroom. Conversely, lesson plans are at the effect of the planner and are often created in a manner that makes sense to the person behind the pen. Teachers and administrative staff participating came to understand the struggles that some children were having based on the nature of how they learn and how they may or may not be challenged by the natural dynamics of the lesson being taught. Each child naturally absorbs information differently. When we are asked to learn something that is in conflict with our nature, it fatigues or frustrates us. This is often expressed as unacceptable behavior when in fact, it is merely a cry for a more user friendly alternative.
Initially, The Children School’s objective was to use the Ultimate Life Tool technology and information to develop team building strategies and create a healthy dialogue among faculty members. The YCG staff facilitating the program included myself, Zannah Hackett, Founder and leading authority in the Knowledge of Y.O.U. and the Ultimate Life Tool, Lisa Nelson, VP of YCG Program Development, Educator and Level IV Certified YOU practitioner and Niloo Tavangar-Sadr, VP of YCG Educational Development, an RCB certified educator and Level III Certified YCG Practitioner. Each highly skilled representative provided one on one and team assessments as well as follow-up with administration. The Head of the School, Molly Huffman, and Assistant Head, Julie Lee, wanted to be able to better understand the true nature of their faculty, in hopes to discover more efficient ways of supporting each teacher as they strive to be a positive influence on this lifetime’s most precious resource and tomorrow’s hope for mankind, our children.
Every YCG seminar provided is tailored to the environment and the objectives of the administrative staff requesting services. In this case, approximately forty staff members took the online survey and discovered their “God Given” or natural traits, what motivates them, the role that their level of refinement played in getting along with others, their magnetic potential and just how much energy they had to bring to the table today. Knowing these subtle natural truths about oneself, allows one to breathe easier, make better choices and more fully accept others. All too often we place expectations or recommend what works for us upon another. When in fact, each of us is uniquely different from one another. Let’s use the analogy of trees to describe differences. When we look at a cactus we know not to plant it the snow and when we look at a pine tree we know not to plant it in the desert. Yet, when we look at a human being we know little about their authentic nature and what it is going to take to help them fully thrive successfully. Instead, we recommend what worked for us or the majority of our friends, colleagues, students and clients. We should be able to see the true nature of our fellow man by looking at them. During primitive times man did not require words. He knew. And, he has forgotten what he knew. Our lifetime has produced so many distractions that we can’t even hear ourselves think. Being able to SEE again is what Ultimate Life Tool is all about. How can we teach, nurture, heal and advise if we don’t know what we are looking at? The term “what” goes beyond nationality, gender, and age. Instead it looks at us as living things operating as vehicles for our spirit. It identifies WHAT kind of vehicle you are and leaves you with an operating manual. It is objective. It can identify how natural law shows up in you or another person. Imagine if every teacher or parent received an operating manual for their students and children and for themselves? This knowledge provides the guidance. It reveals the natural mathematics of man and delves deep into the role that intuition, interfacing with each unique individual’s design, plays and how we are at the effect of the toxicity of this lifetime. The many layers of this understanding are all briefly addressed in the seminars so that those participating can come to realize the importance of OBJECTIVELY understanding what lies in the obvious. Each participant leaves with a better understanding of Y.O.U. (your own understanding).
Author's Bio
Zannah Hackett Ph.D., Founder of YCG, LLC and innovator of THE ULTIMATE LIFE TOOL online technology and methodology, an advanced human assessment instrument for creating perfect relationships in business, education, home and life.
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Need a career change?

It's been my observation over the last 20 years that people typically between the ages of 35 and 42 experience a desire for new growth. Prior to such time we educate ourselves, cultivate opportunities and celebrate the process of reaching a nebulous goal of guaranteed security. Some of us are even of the opinion that we could retire at 40 without any help from the lottery or an unexpected windfall. As we enter this mid-life transition reality begins to close in on us and we find that the teaching job or the MBA that we had hoped would make life more respectable and interesting, simply falls short of satisfying what we are about to become. At the YOU Consulting Group we have certified consultants trained in a process called The Cycle of Life and this allows them to coach each phase of a client's personal growth with compassion and accuracy. If you are feeling restless, do not despair... you are right where you're supposed to be. Give us a call and allow us to answer some of the questions that may be confusing to you right now. It can be very disconcerting if the thoughts that occupy every minute of your day are riddled with the need to be growing in a different direction or are simply interfering with the quality of your performance. At some point, the need for change seems to push beyond the necessary boundaries of what is acceptable and you find yourself doing things and considering options that a few years prior may have seemed absurd. Never say never. If there is one thing we can count on, it's change, and if you are in this interval and experiencing discomfort... guess what? It's time for a change! Don't be afraid. Don't let money matters or outside influences keep you from growing naturally into what you were meant to be.Simply Trust in Y.O.U.!
-Zannah Hackett, Ph.D
Order the Book today!
Monday, August 9, 2010
Love is a Dance
Do what you love and the money will come.
How many times have you heard that? Often business professionals and executive coaches spend session after session trying to assist their clients in gaining clarity as to what change to make. The key word is "CHANGE". It's the one thing that we all know we can count on and the one thing that serves at the epicenter of love or loving well enough to be successful. Many people often do not get lessons in learning how to love their work, or in embracing their job responsibilities and managing the differences that come with being surrounded by many various personalities. Instead it is something they do as a means to an end. In fact the word LOVE on an executive business forum or an employment site is almost unheard of. Yet, LOVE is everything when it comes to achieving success naturally. Gain that comes naturally, gives us energy.
I can't tell you how many people have come into my office saying. "I don't even know what love looks like!" or "what it feels like!" The truth is, LOVE is not a look or a feeling... it is a movement. That's right. Love is having the ability to adjust, flex and flow in the face of harmony and adversity. It's being able to shift gears, change plans, take over, hold back, organize, stir things up, laugh, cry and even disappear when you know it will serve the situation best. All too often we stand glued, attached and fixated to an expectation or imagined outcome. The result frequently becomes more important than the relationships leading up to the grand finale. Guess what? It's always about the relationships.
Love in a relationship is an exquisitely improvised piece of choreography ever revealing new lyrical sequences that entertain and enlighten our existence. It usually starts out as a soft prelude and as time goes on the steps we take become a reflection of the choices we make. Ask yourself, how well do you move through your life and in the management of all your relationships? If you move well... then you LOVE well. It's just that simple.
Order the Book Today!
Do what you love and the money will come.
How many times have you heard that? Often business professionals and executive coaches spend session after session trying to assist their clients in gaining clarity as to what change to make. The key word is "CHANGE". It's the one thing that we all know we can count on and the one thing that serves at the epicenter of love or loving well enough to be successful. Many people often do not get lessons in learning how to love their work, or in embracing their job responsibilities and managing the differences that come with being surrounded by many various personalities. Instead it is something they do as a means to an end. In fact the word LOVE on an executive business forum or an employment site is almost unheard of. Yet, LOVE is everything when it comes to achieving success naturally. Gain that comes naturally, gives us energy.
I can't tell you how many people have come into my office saying. "I don't even know what love looks like!" or "what it feels like!" The truth is, LOVE is not a look or a feeling... it is a movement. That's right. Love is having the ability to adjust, flex and flow in the face of harmony and adversity. It's being able to shift gears, change plans, take over, hold back, organize, stir things up, laugh, cry and even disappear when you know it will serve the situation best. All too often we stand glued, attached and fixated to an expectation or imagined outcome. The result frequently becomes more important than the relationships leading up to the grand finale. Guess what? It's always about the relationships.
Love in a relationship is an exquisitely improvised piece of choreography ever revealing new lyrical sequences that entertain and enlighten our existence. It usually starts out as a soft prelude and as time goes on the steps we take become a reflection of the choices we make. Ask yourself, how well do you move through your life and in the management of all your relationships? If you move well... then you LOVE well. It's just that simple.
Order the Book Today!
Saturday, August 7, 2010
Waiting in Line

By Zannah Hackett, PhD
Whether you are a leader or a follower, one must take a strong look at the toxicity of one's environment in an effort to proceed forward with integrity. Toxicity as we know it comes in many forms. There are the lovely viral influences that are re-infecting us: like the all too familiar seasonal flu that keeps coming back to bless us with its presence FOR THE FIFTH MONTH IN A ROW. What is that all about? Then there are those disgruntled people that seem to pop up at the dry cleaners, the bank and local wireless phone store, taking pleasure in spewing their venom upon everyone, because they TOO have to wait in line. In fact, waiting in line probably rates among the top five most popular causes for toxicity and spreading viruses.I can't believe how many people detest waiting in line and how their behavior begins to slime everyone within their personal field. I often wonder, if we were to consider waiting in line a chance versus a challenge, if clarity and viral protection would prevail. Perhaps we could even walk away clearer and healthier from having had the chance to stand in line or wait on the phone by changing our attitude towards it. Imagine if we saw standing in line as a form of toxic release?The truth is, it all comes down to choice and perception. We can choose to embrace each moment by maximizing the opportunity to stop the clock and catch up on our thoughts for the day or agonize over the fact that everyone and everything is not jumping to fast enough for our liking. Americans are just simply spoiled. We whine about waiting in line at Starbucks while children in Africa wait in greater lines for a thimble full of rice with a smile and excitement on their face.Next time you have to wait in line... enjoy the wait. Once you master waiting, every time you must wait, you will find you have more patience with everyone and everything in your life. It's a form of training. Your family, friends, employees and employers will begin to notice the kindness and clarity you have to offer their life. When that begins to happen, self-mastery is in the works and all from simply learning to love the wait. Take a chance... spend your time wisely.
Friday, August 6, 2010
Matchmaking is about Self-Discovery

Matchmaking is discovering what is right for you on all fronts... in love, in work, in play, in life. There is the perfect partner, the perfect career, and the perfect plan. In studying matchmaking we discover who you are and what that means. You will recognize your ideal on sight in minutes. The anxiety that comes with making the right decision will fall away and the time you spend in making vital decisions about the love of your life will become instantaneous rather than impulsive. This allows you to seize the moment rather than later looking back in hindsight wishing you had taken action.
With the wisdom of Y.O.U., you will acquire a heightened awareness of what lies in the obvious. All too often we dismiss what stands right before us. In today's world we are in such a state of information overload and bombardment that we can't see the forest for the trees. This means it's very easy to overlook the man of your dreams; the one that the universe put on this planet for you to connect with. He essentially gets lost in the chaos of this lifetime's mind chatter. The Ancient Wisdom of Matchmaking will teach you how to clear the room so you can see him standing before you.
You may be asking, "What sets this body of information apart from other profiling systems? How does this differ from Meyers-Briggs, Littauer and Jungian theories of personality typing? Where does this intersect with Carolyn Myss' archetypes and John Gray's Mars Venus analysis? The answer is simple. Y.O.U. is objectively you upon discovery. Other typing systems are layers of refinement that clothe and enhance the body of Y.O.U.
Body Typing is one of five revealing aspects used in the once highly revered process of Matchmaking. We refer to it as Personal Style. It is the beginning of a very basic understanding of Y.O.U. There are seven distinct Styles when identifying men and women. Personal Style being the most obvious, becomes the most essential in identifying the ultimate partner. It tells us in objective terms what kind of being we are dealing with. If you were looking at a tree, you may be able to tell at first glance that it is an Oak tree as opposed to a Willow. If you were looking at an automobile you may have enough information at first glance to know that you are looking at a Mustang versus a Corvette. People are no different. They are as easily distinguishable as are types of trees, cars, dogs and cats.
There are Seven Personal Styles
Once we educate ourselves and come to know and understand what kind of vehicle serves as home for our spirit, then we can make decisions that are more suitable for its optimal growth and in planning its journey. Refining this part of the process is fun and revealing. Often times things begin to make sense for the first time in a long time. You begin to no longer blame yourself or others for past failures but realize that much of what we fail at is based on signing up for something that is not in alignment with our Personal Style. For example, one would not take a Ferrari on an unpaved mountainous excursion. It's not that it can't be done but chances are the car will be in need of great repair at the journey's end and the price that one will pay to restore it may not be worth it. The same is true for many human beings. Their personal style simply does not afford them the luxury of traversing rough terrain.
PERSONAL STYLE is just the beginning. The Ancient Wisdom of Matchmaking considers several areas of importance. In getting to know Y.O.U., you will not only come to discover the laws of maximum attraction and repulsion but also come to understand the great purpose that each person serves in being present in your lifetime. This allows all of us to get closer to understanding the role we all play in contributing to the betterment of the whole.
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Mainstream Propheteering...Prophets Seeking Profits

With so many wealth and business gurus out there, how's a person to know what is real and what is not? Today's knowledge campaign trail is filled with new renditions of very old songs but are all worthy of an attentive ear? The problem presents itself in deciding which wannabe prophet we want to follow. True, all of us have a gift or message that needs to be shared but there is a certain level of integrity that must prevail in earning the respect of an audience. And unfortunately our standards for "FOLLOWSHIP" have become somewhat turned inside out.
In fact, it's almost fashionable to be inappropriately popular. This brings to mind the MAFIA. Growing up in the seventies, gurus were plenty and the MAFIA was still quietly regarded as the GOOD BAD GUY. Meaning, it's okay to kill, mame and pass judgment as long as you make some philanthropic demonstration to balance the scales. Today the MAFIA is not what it used to be (the popular clique on the block) but there are other similar social scams out there; some far more deceptive than the mafia of the 70's could have ever imagined. These can be identified in every facet of life; music, education, government, business, spirituality and health care. It's called "politics"... I call it "propheteering".
Propheteering is a strategy used to market ideas and make icons or gurus out of great actors and actresses. Little attention is given to the integrity of the message. In fact, they can be singing the same song and consumers are made to believe it is something new. I don't care if we are voting for a President or looking to sign up our company with a business consulting firm promising wealth, we must look at the intention behind the firm. Intention is everything.
Questions to ask:
1. Is there more than one expert on staff?
2. Is the playground shared in terms of promoting the product or is the attention primarily focused on one or two individuals in terms of making the OPRAH circuit?
3. Do company representatives serve well outside of their career pursuit?
If the answer is yes to all three questions, make an appointment to listen to their sales pitch. We don't need anymore Prophets seeking Profits. We need people serving people.
Perhaps I'm dating myself, but remember when the customer came first and was always right?
I do.
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
A long time ago their lived a little girl. She had long thick strawberry blonde curls that fell to the bottom of her pinafore and big sparkly blue eyes that made everyone smile when she looked at them. Her mother was a nurse and the little girl was her only child. Because the mother did not want to leave her child alone, the mother would take the little girl to work with her. The little girl loved this very much.
The mother worked at a special place. It was called “THE VALLEY OF THE SUNSHINE SCHOOL”. Inside the school there were three large rooms. One room was for learning, the other for eating and the last for sleeping. The sleeping room had many iron beds that looked like baby cribs so the kids would not wander or fall out in the night. The children had no ages and smiled at the little girl all of the time. Some big kids wore diapers and some little kids looked very old. They gave her many hugs everyday and laughed at her jokes. Elliot hugged her the most often. Sometimes he hugged her so tight that the old little kids had to loosen his embrace. He was stronger than he knew. She knew he didn’t mean to squeeze her to death. Her Mom told her so. She said he was just loving her to pieces. This made her giggle. The little girl loved them all very much.
One day the little girl saw a Father drop his child off. Mothers and fathers were hardly ever seen at the school. He said crying to the little girl’s mother, “Her name is Phyllis. She is four years old. Please be kind to her. I will miss her always.” Phyllis was wearing a diaper and a pink cotton t-shirt that said “Make me Smile”. She was very pretty and her head was extra large with little hair for making ponytails. As the father walked out the door she cried for him, “Daddy come back. I’m scared!” The little girl, feeling Phyllis’s fear, ran up to her and said. “It’s okay, I will play with you. It will make the sadness go away. We will make paper dolls and dance until the sunshine sets.” Phyllis shared a faint smile and confidently replied, “I’m just visiting.” The little girl’s mother took them both to a safe corner where they could create, pretend and move about freely.
Phyllis was very smart. The little girl, being just six at the time, decided that Phyllis had a big head because she was smarter than most four year olds and her brains were just growing faster than her body. Every day they would read, write, play and dance. Then one day the little girl had to go to school. This meant leaving Phyllis alone a lot of the time.
Public School was nothing like The Sunshine School. The kids at the new school did not hug the little girl or laugh at her jokes. In fact, they were never glad to see her like her other friends at the Sunshine School. She already knew how to read and write and do arithmetic. She had known how to do this since she was three, so school was very boring. She preferred living under her desk or sneaking out on the playground or hiding in the bathroom whenever she could. This frustrated the teacher and she would send the little girl to the Principal’s office. Sometimes her mother would come and get her and scold her. She would say things like, “you are going to get me fired if I have to keep leaving work in the middle of the day to come and get you.” The little girl would cry for a minute and then she’d realize that she would get to return to the Sunshine School with her mother...where Phyllis was “just visiting”.
Eventually, first grade became so boring that the school moved the little girl into a special class with other kids that had a hard time listening to old news. They made her read all of the time to other adults that would ask her big questions. They would bring in heavy big people books and grownup magazines and ask her to read too. Each time she did, they would look surprised. She assumed it was because they didn’t know how to read. This made her very sad. The thought of being all grown up and having to ask a six year old to read your favorite book to you, must be awful. Finally she became exhausted by the whole notion of performing for grownups and refused to read for anyone anymore, except Phyllis.
Summer break finally came around and the little girl had not seen Phyllis for weeks. She couldn’t wait to see her. Carrying a bag of her favorite toys into the learning room, she noticed there was no Phyllis. Dropping the toys she ran into the eating room. No Phyllis. Could it be that her visit was over? Had her Daddy come back? Then as she peeked into the sleeping room she saw Phyllis sitting upright in her crib. Phyllis was all alone in the sunlit room. The little girl asked, “Were you sleeping?” Phyllis replied, “Oh No. I just can’t stand up anymore. My head makes me fall over.” The little girl crawled up and over into her crib only to find that Phyllis’s head had grown to twice its size since her last visit. The little girl was convinced that Phyllis was probably a genius by now given the size of her brain and her head’s obvious enormity. “It’s okay”, said the little girl. “I will play with you here until your body catches up with your head. It won’t be long. Probably by the end of summer you will match.” Phyllis believed her and they played with paper dolls until the sun began to set in the sleeping room.
The mother picked up the sleepy little girl from Phyllis’s crib and kissing Phyllis on her giant forehead unclasped the girls’ fingers from one another’s grip. Both mother and daughter were tired and returned home. That same night after a bubble bath, the little girl crawled in bed with her mother and began to ask questions, “Mommy where did my friend Elliot the hugger go?” The mother answered “To the colony”. The little girl asked, “What is the colony?” Her mother replied, “ It is where the children go when their bodies are too tired to continue.”
The little girl thinking that Elliot was reviving himself at a Disneyland place asked, “When will he be back?” The mother looked gently into her eyes and said, “God gives them wings at the colony… so they need not ever come back.” The little girl thought this was very cool and wanted to know when she could get wings. The mother told her “when your job is done”. “But I don’t have a job’, she replied. The mother continued, “Your job is to love EVERYONE just like you love Phyllis.” With a shocked and disappointed look she exclaimed, “I will never get my wings then because EVERYONE is a really big number!”
The next day the mother went to work while the little girl’s father took her to the dentist. Afterwards he dropped her off at The Sunshine School. The little girl excited to be there, ran into the sleeping room preparing to jump up and over and into Phyllis’s crib, only to find her missing again. She merrily scouted the eating room, then the learning room and when she could not find her, she ran looking for her mother. Running back into the sleeping room just in case she had missed Phyllis in her search, she saw her Mother standing by Phyllis’s bed with eyes fixed upon where she last played. The little girl asked, “Where is Phyllis?” The mother replied, “She has gone to the colony.” The little girl cried and cried. The mother comforted her saying that she will have big big wings that can carry the weight of her genius and she will never fall over again. The little girl, wiping her tears away and looking into her mother’s eyes, curiously asked, “What was her job?” The mother softly replied she was “Just Visiting” long enough to love you.
“In Memory of Elizabeth Isabelle Reel” RN for The Valley of the Sun School aka “Angels Unawares”
The story took place from 1959-1961. The school was a refuge for mentally retarded children (dwarfs, mongoloids, developmentally disabled, down syndrome and hydrocephalic afflictions). Located in Phoenix Arizona, where the temperature exceeded 120 degrees often in the summer, there was no air conditioning to soothe or television to entertain. Friendship came in fanning one another, playing paper dolls and dancing till the sunshine set.
Thursday, July 29, 2010
What is The Ultimate Life Tool?
“The Green Human Assessment Technology”
What is The Ultimate Life Tool®?
The Ultimate Life Tool® consists of a 10 minute online human assessment followed by a 7 page detailed report that facilitates team building, executive coaching leadership development, career counseling and family, relationship and interpersonal conflict resolution. The Ultimate Life Tool® uses The Knowledge of Y.O.U. – Your Own Understanding to assist others in identifying authentic natural traits and polarities influencing personal performance. The Knowledge distills motivational, behavioral and interest evaluation into one single assessment, which provides a multi-dimensional and comprehensive analysis, thus reducing the need for multiple assessments. In the near future it will be translated into other languages to facilitate international and global discovery and growth.
Understanding More
The tool is a patented proprietary assessment instrument of understanding based on the laws of nature, and grounded in science. It has been around for a very long time but it is now condensed in a form that we can use and apply to life to help us truly understand ourselves and others.
The knowledge is objective; meaning you don’t have to give anything up to embrace and understand what motivates you and others. Current psychometric instruments have greater meaning when the Ultimate Life Tool technology is used as a precursor. It provides a place for other results to exist, enhancing a greater understanding of human nature.
Imagine if we were given a personal “operating manual” when we were born. Through a combination of natural traits, polarities and an overall translation of the results of YCG’s Ultimate Life Tool®, certified YCG consultants identify the respondent's personal styles (your natural physical traits) and unlike most other popular assessments, this provides unique insights into underlying needs and motivations as they relate to physical law. Toxic situations and dis-ease is identified and explained when these needs are not met. Recognizing specific authentic needs and motivations and the consequences of these unmet needs gives the consultant, coach, practitioner, counselor and organizational development professional an effective way to improve personal and interpersonal workplace performance. This helps to reduce toxicity, conflict, and create a greater influx of intelligence overall. The outcome offers increased performance, increased revenue for the company and a deeper understanding of friends, co-workers, family and all others who touch our lives
In brief,The Ultimate Life Tool® addresses five categories:
Traits - An individual's natural physical style they are born with that gives us a unique insight into that person's needs and motivations.
Motivation – What “drives” a person, or motivates them to do the things they do and how these can get “fed” or honored so they can accomplish their goals and rise to their full potential.
Boundaries - An individual's personal preferences and level of tolerance in others and environments.
Communication Style – Each individual’s mode of how they learn, communicate and process information. Understanding our energy centers as they relate to communication is vital to their ability for communication.
Perception – Defines each person’s electromagnetic potential. Whether they are positive or negative, (both are good) it’s just the individual’s personal approach to finding what is “working” or “not working” first.
The Y.O.U. Ultimate Life Tool® Report and Translation
The Y.O.U. Ultimate Life Tool® is always delivered online. Certified YCG Practitioners review reports in preparation for personal consultations. YCG’s customers and licensees can access a variety of different reports and have the flexibility to combine reports specific to their needs.
Take the Test Today!
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Sink or Swim
To most this implies failure and “failure” is not a term that most people take lightly. In fact, they cringe at the thought of it. Just the very notion of taking a risk, pushing onward or making a change can literally send them over the edge. These are the same folks that live on "what ifs" and "if onlys" .
Success comes with risk and risk invites failure. Keeping failure at bay can become quite an undertaking for the likes of those previously described. In fact, everyone at some time or another has experienced hesitation around diving into the deep end of the swimming pool, even knowing they could swim. It's cold at first, but invigorating. Eventually you begin to adjust providing you don’t hop in and out of the experience. Success does not come with keeping one foot in the shallow end and one foot on the pool deck either. It comes with a full commitment to the experience. This is where we get the old adage... Sink or Swim.
Creating methods or an understanding for minimizing risk is always desirable and we have found that coming to understand one's self is the first order of business. Getting to know you, will open the door to being able to better relate to opportunity and those around you thus ensuring greater success. Check out the many self discovery programs available and seek a professional when making decisions around subjects that you are not well versed in or do not naturally understand.
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Passive Vs. Aggressive

Identify your natural state of behavior.
I came across an interesting article about passive aggressive behavior. I was saddened by the fact that homogenized theories and pigeon hole perceptions were conveyed and that little attention was given to the true nature of the individual. Seems all passive-aggressive types according to popular standards stem from the same pool of un-addressed childhood issues. NOT!!! Passive Aggressive behavior simply means that an individual is more passive in nature than aggressive. Some people are more aggressive than passive. Displays of dysfunction occur when ignorance prevails, rather than intelligence, and this blatant presentation of toxicity is largely due to the fact that there are few people, places and things that don't suffer from it in some degree or another. Passive & Aggressive are simply words used to describe how natural law shows up in an individual. Unfortunately, words also create opinion and falsify truths that could and would bring us closer to self-realization if we simply took the time to understand the physical world we live in realizing physical law does not subscribe to opinion.
Many people are Aggressive-Aggressive. Most often these types become extremely volatile and destructive when clarity is not present. However, these are the same individuals that move quickly in a crisis and are upfront about the realities of life, addressing them head-on. We should never expect a Passive-Aggressive to behave in the same way. Passive-Aggressive types are not volatile even in a toxic state. They are reclusive and often victimized when not seeing life clearly. Clarity is a gift of intelligence. Whenever you are not thinking clearly you are simply toxic and need to dust yourself off before life gets worse. If you would like to know more about the true nature of who you are, specifically your polarity and what electromagnetic potential awareness can do for you, contact YCG and start discovering the real Y.O.U. today.
Friday, July 23, 2010
People think I'm a snob
People think I am stuck up, unapproachable or a snob until they get to know me. How can I make them understand I am who I am ?
I completely understand the misconception you may receive from others. I have experienced the same challenge from people until I discovered The Ultimate Life Tool. I now understand I am in a space of humility as no longer a deficit or an imperfection to my personality. On the contrary it’s become my greatest advocate because I have the ability to be a good listener which is a gift that many do not possess. I do not deem it necessary to express my words to be heard or understood. Instead, I feel energized when I observe the conversation of others as I listen to their exchange of opinions and words . I portray a person of interest who concentrates with astute attentiveness to the exchange of conversation at hand. I embrace who I am and I don’t need to be the center of attention in order to feed myself. Now that I have discovered WHAT I am rather than what people expect me to be…my life has been transformed. The attribute of humility enables me to disregard chatter that exists in a classroom environment due to the asset of my listening skills. I absorb information that’s important to the subject matter and turn a deaf ear to the inquiry of redundant questions by all that feel the necessity to be heard. I completely understand why I can vanish in a crowded room but I have the advantage of an observer behind the scenes. I feel fortunate rather than a misfit as society places much emphasis on whether you are friendly, quiet or a snob. In reality you possess a quality that motivates you to perform at your optimum…fully energized.
Now I am refreshed, rejuvenated, renewed to conquer all the obstacles in my path because I have truly learned to understand and embrace my humility as my perfection. All of us are different, unique and perfect. When a friend regurgitates our first introduction with statements such as, I thought you were stuck up, I thought you were quiet or unapproachable, I thought you did not like me, or I thought you were a snob. Instead of feeling inadequate or defensive I simply reply by expressing; “ I know you thought that of me but to know me is to love me. “
I possess new found confidence because of The Ultimate Life Tool and I realize you must love yourself before you can love someone else. In order to thrive in this world and to be a complete human being you must check in and believe in a higher power, a God of your own understanding to realize true wealth, health and prosperity.
YCG Certified Specialist
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Intimidating Boss
My boss is intimidating. She arrives at the office everyday at 7:00 but we don’t start until 9:00. She claims, she gets to the office early to do work beforehand. Personally, I know it’s not true because she’s on the phone with her mother, sister or friend when I arrive. Instead of her greeting me with good morning, hello or another kind gesture she begins by asking me questions before I’ve had a chance to take off my coat. “Why didn’t you complete the production report?” Where is your to do list that you didn’t complete yesterday? I want to quit as I’m frustrated by her demeaning manner.
I understand your situation as we have all encountered a powerful boss who thinks they have the right to treat us with disrespect. In some instances, they try to intimidate us or pull a power play to make us feel inadequate. They place their expectations upon us as they are superior to us due to their role of being our manager. However, our perception of them as a person may be completely off course. I realize your frustration and you believe your only choice is quit job due to your differences. Imagine leaving here today with tools that will enable you to relate to your boss? Does that sound good to you?
In an effort to provide you with this information I have a few questions that will demonstrate What I’m looking at. Does she like to create order? Yes, she’s control freak. I cannot leave a pencil on my desk without putting it in the holder. Does she provide constructive criticism or compliment you when you perform your tasks successfully? No, she never gives me a compliment. She points her finger at me in an authoritative manner to inform me that I didn’t meet her expectations to complete my task and by the way why can’t you follow my instructions. You always do it wrong. I should just do it myself.
I would suggest you and your boss take the Ultimate Life Tool assessment which will provide insight to What each of you are? She would never take the assessment as she doesn’t think she needs to improve herself. I am the one who cannot do my job efficiently because I never meet her expectations, she’s so negative all the time. I know your boss is direct and aggressive in her approach. She needs to create order and she becomes indignant when you don’t perform your task in an expedient manner. In addition, you mentioned she’s negative. I understand you don’t want to disrespect her so you resist a response when she treats you in an intimidating manner. Through The Ultimate Life Tool I know your boss needs to create order because it makes her thrive and when she doesn’t have it she becomes manipulative. Her ability to complete a task in the quickest manner from point A to B is natural to her. She may be perceived as direct or demeaning in her approach but this is part of her personality. You haven’t done anything wrong but she feels entitled to criticize your work. She sees what’s not working first which comes across as being negative. You can try to make adjustments as I can see you’re more flexible by nature. You can create order by listing your tasks with a due date and review them with her daily or weekly to provide her with your status of your accomplishments. You seem to have a positive outlook, meaning you see what’s not working first. To avoid conflict address your appreciation and look for what’s not working…with a suggestion on how you view what is working. You may find a hidden respect for one another that did not exist prior to experiencing The Ultimate Life Tool.
Kerri Gobbo
YCG Certified Specialist
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Without Even Saying a Word

The ‘story’ the world tells us as little girls is that one day “without us even saying a word” our prince charming, a man of great social stature and of great accomplishment will be brought to us. He will ride up on a shiny white horse, he will come bearing gifts, and he will be shiny and perfect…. as we should be too.
The story or at least the message goes on to tell us that we must mold our bodies into what society has deemed beautiful. We must remain innocent and naïve, pure, untouched by life, ready to become one with that special partner….all of which relieves us of the duty and the right to develop into a full blown woman with boundaries and preferences, likes and dislikes, and a life all our own….but according to society if we can keep our canvas blank, he will ride up, sweep us off our feet, and wisk us away into a life we could only dream of.
We have all heard this story, but still it is becoming more understood that as women we can choose to allow ourselves to mature from girls to women who know ourselves, and that in doing so we can take part in identifying a partner that is truly best suited for us…because we can look from a standpoint of knowledge and empowerment.
The Ultimate Life Tool is an assessment for anyone wanting to look from this new perspective.
If you want to honor who you came in the world to be, and if you want to find the partner that is best suited for you, then The Ultimate Life Tool is where you begin. If you are willing to look beyond what society says you should be and who you should be with, then you will want to use The Ultimate Life Tool.
Maximum attraction is not determined by what society deems beautiful or attractive, it is determined by who we truly are in our wholeness, and what type of person (in their wholeness) best complements us, and who we best complement. What is so beautiful about coming into our fullness using the Knowledge of You? You will be able to fully embrace yourself in full bloom, and you will begin to see beyond society’s ideal to your own maximum attraction. This can create a love that can last a lifetime, rather than a love that simply looks good from the outside.
The fun part of this ‘new story’ in which you get to be yourself in full bloom is that by using The Ultimate Life Tool you CAN “without even saying a word” SEE your prince charming based on YOUR maximum attraction. So, I choose to write a ‘new story’. I choose The Ultimate Life Tool. I choose to be me.
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Book Excerpt 11 from Y.O.U. and The Ultimate Life Tool by Dr. Zannah Hackett
In today's world, we are faced with having to interpret and understand many languages in order to relate to those around us. Metaphors, similes,and analogies are plentiful in trying to create a practical image for applying natural law to our lives. These applications can be very beneficial from an educational perspective. Conversely, the fact that they even exist for the taking reveals that they hold a great deal of significance when it comes to the matrix of our existence.
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Book Excerpt 10 from Y.O.U. and The Ultimate Life Tool by Dr. Zannah Hackett
The quality of our life is contingent on the health of our electromagnetic field. If it is weak, one’s health and personal performance are affected. Striving to remain effective versus affective is the goal of every human being. However, with all of the false recommendations, cookie-cutter solutions, and quick fixes available, man frequently volunteers for the popular mindset versus the appropriate remedy. There is no popular solution. This is because every man, woman, child and living thing is its own creation. Identical twins even have their own fingerprints and means of uniquely processing life. Each [person’s] field is different and processes information at a slightly different rate, given their personal, physical and mental health, which may or not be desirable based on the integrity of their electromagnetic field.
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Book Excerpt 9 from Y.O.U. and The Ultimate Life Tool by Dr. Zannah Hackett
Life in this interval has you restless, unhappy, and making excuses for why things are no longer satisfying. If you feel trapped and stifled by the very lifestyle you have helped to co-create, then you must begin to seek ways to calm your anxiety and distract your thoughts. Tell yourself, “This is only temporary” and “I can choose to love and be happy today” or “I can choose to embrace those who love me deeply.” Be in the moment. Live only for today and not a minute longer. Do not look at tomorrow for a single second and do not look over the fence at how much greener your neighbor's grass is in comparison to yours.
Monday, June 14, 2010
Book Excerpt 8 from Y.O.U. and The Ultimate Life Tool by Dr. Zannah Hackett
Being able to see is knowing what kind of behavior is natural for another and what is not. Those with a compulsion for creating order are notoriously called controlling. However, if you knew that giving your loved one the opportunity to organize and create order fed them, oxygenated them, fueled them, and made them feel good, might you be more loving? Love embraces one’s strong nuclear force and seeks opportunities for it to perform. This results in happiness for all concerned. It makes people feel seen, understood, respected, supported, and loved. To better understand what drives you, go to The Ultimate Life Tool and take the test. Your seven-page report will give you a full explanation of how to stay on the road of life as it pertains specifically to you.
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Book Excerpt 7 from Y.O.U. and The Ultimate Life Tool by Dr. Zannah Hackett
Natural performance is a reflection of all of you. It’s not just about your active or passive nature, your need for flexibility, your talent for creating order, your natural capability to lead, your sensitivity to sound, [your ability to identify] what is not working, and your fragility. It’s about managing what energy you have in the moment and each moment that follows. It’s about getting you wired so that self-management becomes nature manifesting at its best. Understanding the nature of you allows you to maximize your energy output. By being respectful to yourself in managing yourself, you become an asset to yourself, society, and mankind.
Monday, May 17, 2010
Book Excerpt 6 from Y.O.U. and The Ultimate Life Tool by Dr. Zannah Hackett
How physical law, specifically the law of gravity, shows up in each one of us is revealed in our physicality. This is an important factor to consider when understanding what to expect from yourself, as well as another, in terms of potential. What if you took a bowling ball and a feather and dropped them both at the same time from a ten-story building? We obviously can deduce that the bowling ball will fall to the ground first. But consider the feather, it may take a very long time to reach the ground, and depending upon the breeze, may never reach it. Like the bowing ball, some people are physically more grounded. They naturally show up with more mass, and it is imperative that they honor this trait. Others may appear “light as a feather”; they are physically lighter and have a fragility about them that needs to be recognized and honored as well. Still others lie somewhere in between. This is the law of gravity revealing itself in human beings, and understanding this law helps us to see why it is that people need to be doing certain things from a gravitational perspective.
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Book Excerpt 5 from Y.O.U. and The Ultimate Life Tool® by Dr. Zannah Hackett
The Ultimate Life Tool® technology draws from a body of knowledge called the The Knowledge of Y.O.U. or Your Own Understanding. This knowledge addresses what lies in the obvious as it relates to each one of us and our physicality. It shows us why we do the things that we do and how each one of us is wired slightly differently when it comes to reasoning. It shows us how we spend our time and energy and where we should spend it based on our style and level of refinement. It also shows us the importance of responding to magnetic influences in our lives. Understanding myself through The Ultimate Life Tool® technology allowed me to take the veil away and see myself for the first time for the unique individual I am…and it allowed me to honor myself in every way.
-Lisa Nelson, Vice President of Program Development and YCG Master Practitioner and Trainer
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Book Excerpt 4 from Y.O.U. and The Ultimate Life Tool® by Dr. Zannah Hackett
The way in which we open up and see how a person connects with others is vital in education, sales, and in any situation where immediate communication is desired. One of the wonders of nature is knowing that even your energy field gives off physical clues such as softness of skin, muscle definition, movement and stillness as a means of making our physical existence better understood and available to the naked eye. Being unique means that we connect with our world differently than perhaps our loved ones.
Many people do not retain information because they are not fully integrating the information, Because each human is configured slightly differently from another, knowing the order of how you or others connect can expedite communication.
Order your copy of Y.O.U and The Ultimate Life Tool® today!
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Book Excerpt 3 from Y.O.U. and The Ultimate Life Tool® by Dr. Zannah Hackett

With the knowledge of Y.O.U®, your life’s journey will be guided naturally, relieving you of spending unnecessary energy trying to force your way through life. This results in your offering this life the very gift of you by simply understanding yourself. You are the lesson. Get you and you get it all. You will not have to give anything up, as those aspects that are fixed in us, “our essence,” remain in check. Our essence is where our religious beliefs, the records of where we are born and raised, and who our parents are, all live.
Order the book now!
Book Excerpt 2 from Y.O.U. and The Ultimate Life Tool® by Dr. Zannah Hackett
The Knowledge of Y.O.U. demonstrates how science and physical law support our performance and our behavior in tandem with the natural mathematics of man or quantum physics. The knowledge originates from a time when humans had only to rely on themselves and the relationships inside and outside of themselves. The primordial insight provides answers to the questions we ask ourselves today-the very same questions posed by primitive man: How do I assess my needs for survival? How do I protect myself? How do I communicate effectively with everyone in my life? The answer to all of these questions is, “I manage to survive by gaining an understanding of what and who I am, and this lies in the obvious.” The “obvious” is something that has been lost over hundreds of thousands of years. Primitive man was very proficient at enlisting the laws of nature, so much so that it afforded him the ability to survive for millions of years! Today, man often walks outside the laws of nature; never realizing how easy life could be if only he could see.
Monday, March 1, 2010
Without Even Saying a Word

The ‘story’ the world tells us as little girls is that one day “without us even saying a word” our prince charming, a man of great social stature and of great accomplishment will be brought to us. He will ride up on a shiny white horse, he will come bearing gifts, and he will by shiny and perfect…. as we should be too.
The story or at least the message goes on to tell us that we must mold our bodies into what society has deemed beautiful. We must remain innocent and naïve, pure, untouched by life, ready to become one with that special partner….all of which relieves us of the duty and the right to develop into a full blown woman with boundaries and preferences, likes and dislikes, and a life all our own….but according to society if we can keep our canvas blank, he will ride up, sweep us off our feet, and wisk us away into a life we could only dream of.
We have all heard this story, but still it is becoming more understood that as women we can choose to allow ourselves to mature from girls to women who know ourselves, and that in doing so we can take part in identifying a partner that is truly best suited for us…because we can look from a standpoint of knowledge and empowerment.
The Ultimate Life Tool is an assessment for anyone wanting to look from this new perspective.
If you want to honor who you came in the world to be, and if you want to find the partner that is best suited for you, then The Ultimate Life Tool is where you begin. If you are willing to look beyond what society says you should be and who you should be with, then you will want to use The Ultimate Life Tool.
Maximum attraction is not determined by what society deems beautiful or attractive, it is determined by who we truly are in are wholeness, and what type of person (in their wholeness) best complements us, and who we best complement. What is so beautiful about coming into our fullness using the Knowledge of You? You will be able to fully embrace yourself in full bloom, and you will begin to see beyond society’s ideal to your own maximum attraction. This can create a love that can last a lifetime, rather than a love that simply looks good from the outside.
The fun part of this ‘new story’ in which you get to be yourself in full bloom is that by using The Ultimate Life Tool you CAN “without even saying a word” SEE your prince charming based on YOUR maximum attraction. So, I choose to write a ‘new story’. I choose The Ultimate Life Tool. I choose to be me.
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